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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 122     Entry time: 18 May 2020, 14:53
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 18.05.2020 
General Announcement:
- Starting today 18.05 the XTD1 tunnel will be closed. It is not accessible until the summer shutdown. All other tunnels remain open.
- XO and PMO have sent a communication for updating the task list. Please indicate if tasks were already carried out. Deadline for submitting it back is Wednesday 17.05.
- SA1 instruments emergency power off on Friday 15.05: originated from PLCs on ProfiNet from Desy. 
It is still under investigation and we should make sure that sudden power off does not happen again, which may harm equipment such as detectors. 

- SPB informed issues on the notification service. CTRL appreciate the feedback and is working on it.
- It is planned to deploy the new Karabo 9.0 at MID this week.
- CTRL is working in few problems with Imagers (corrupted data) - data is flowing but not being displayed.

- No conflict or issues: working as planned.

- SA1 VAC loop update is schedule for today.
- Friday power off on SA1: problem came from the Desy signals. It may require extra work at Desy - PLC cables are still disconnected.

- No issues to be reported.

- IMG issue with corrupted data was informed to CTRL who is investigating. SA2 IMG has to be fixed for use on next Monday 25.05.

- AGIPB detector at SPB suffers from power off but its Chiller was recovered without consequences. The detector itself has to be checked. 
- DET has placed the detectors in safe states, but there is nothing to protect the detectors against power outages.

- Nothing to report. 

- Nothing to report. 

- SA1 PPL1 laser switched off on Friday around 14:30. The reason is possibly linked to low air flow. It remains unclear if there is any relation with the instruments 
power off.

- Last week worked on Jungfrau and AGIPB detectors.
- Nothing else to report other than the power outage in the hutches.

- Instrument recovered well from the power outage.
- It is planned the cabling installation for the next couple of days.

- Continuing with installation and commissioning. On Wed it is planned to check devices in XTD6.

- All work goes as expected.
- A plan for the XTD6 work will be done this week. The activity in tunnel shall take place next week.

- Nothing to report.

- Cabling installation is done. SQS reports that due to lack of crane operator in the group they had to wait some time until a crane operator was available. 
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00