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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 121     Entry time: 15 May 2020, 14:35
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 15.05.2020 
General Announcement:
- Judging by feedback and communication to XO both Tunnel and control network works are progressing.
- Friday is a good opportunity to discuss the Karabo tasks to be submitted next week as well as direct questions to SRP.
- The summer shutdown will have tunnels open for two weeks due to the interlock tests that, in turn, need tunnels closed. 
Current plan is photon beam will be available after the interlock tests.
- Due to next week's holiday bridge, the XO Integration meeting will not take place on Friday. 
- XTD1 will be closed next Monday and reopened for the summer shutdown. By its side, the XTD6 will remain open.

- DET confirms task list for this week has possible prolongation for next week on the AGIPB work. CTRL is aware and will prepare support for next week.
- Today a new Karabo version is released but general deployment will be made during summer shutdown (MID will do it earlier).

- Nothing to report.

- A question arises on filling the dates for the summer shutdown task list. It does not need to be necessarily filled, unless if constraints are made. 
If a date is proposed, we shall stick to that day. Entanglement with other groups will be taking into account for a final scheduling. 
- Cabling installation going as planned: SQS cabling may be finished today and the FXE installation will follow. 
- EEE plans to start with change request of modules. For PLC control crates there may be delays. Subject will be communicated to the groups.

- Tunnel tasks are progressing: upgrade of SA2 solid attenuator pneumatic system; SA3 pre-shutter is installed; preparing for SA3 re-alignment to start next week.

- The planned activities are progressing well.
- Few activities originally planned for the summer shutdown are anticipated to the re-start phase. The summer shutdown task list will be updated accordingly. 
- Preparing for beam delivery in SA2: XPD is prepared for the XTD1 tunnel closure on Monday. The XGM of XTD1 will be available for operation from next Wednesday, 
as well as Imagers. It is expected to receive photon beam by May 23-25 (EEE is informed). 
- The photon delivery is only for XTD1 and beam dump. XTD6 will stay open until the shutdown.
- XPD will regularly use the big clean room from next week with 2 staff members (not continuously, but larger part of the time).

- Activities on DSSC, Jungfrau, AGIPB are ongoing without major issues.
- DET do not plan to work in the bog clean room, only eventually going there to pick small components. 

- IT infrastructure is properly running.

- Progressing with planned activities, e.g. magnetic limit switch for XTD6 mirror. 
- Preparing for cooling installation in XTD9 together with VAC. Work currently being prepared in the labs.

- No problems that require attention: LAS is progressing - all under control.

- Jungfrau has been installed and works well besides small issues with data transmission (staff and support are working on it).

- Preparing things for cabling installation in hutches; Questions to SRP are clarified.
- In parallel FXE conducts activities with Jungfrau detector.
- Alignment of optical laser is postponed due to staff's sickness.

- The CRLs check in XTD1 was done and no more tunnel access is need. There were no changes on the CRLs. 
- MID access XTD6 next week and is busy with other re-starting tasks.

- Progressing with lasers and split delay line.
- Internal staff and Wille company pulled cables in A12.
- Detectors are under tests since yesterday.

- Not present.

- Activities in hutch proceeding smoothly.
- New spectrometer setup must be finished today.
- SQS plans to start with vacuum and to integrate the locally developed interlock system during next week. 
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00