General Announcement:
- The proposed works on the Control network are fully organized for this week;
- Safety: The EuXFEL task force for the Covid-19 discussed this morning the safety issues here presented last Friday.
On Mondays and Wednesdays there will be a SRP representative in this meeting to address related questions and on Fridays Tobias Haas will be attending.
- General: there was a short notice from MKK2 regarding cooling maintenance in tunnels to be performed today. This short notice is a communication error.
The task was a summer shutdown work anticipated to today and was not properly communicated. No EuXFEL group raised concerns to this activity taking place today.
- General: 30% staff presence restrictions - so far it seems that this number is fine. Groups are encouraged to think if there is a need to increase this number,
especially in the instrument side. Please inform XO.
- The tickets with requests to be carried out this week are all planned.
- Group is moving to more usual tasks with instruments and support groups.
- Planned activities are in progress.
- There was no observed master time reset from the Desy side after the Covid-19 accelerator shutdown.
- Nothing to report.
- Last week's planned activities went fine.
- It is agreed with VAC that on Wednesday one section of XTD9 will be vented, in preparation for an activity.
- Nothing special to report; DSSC pump/cooling issue is being taken care.
- Nothing to report.
- A test of a motor in a magnetic switch of a XTD6 mirror will be made this week - proper ticket will be send to CTRL.
- SA1 PP-laser is OK; others are progressing. Work goes smooth.
- Starting the instrument. All fine until now and this week there is a plan to test Detectors.
- The works are going as planned.
- Continue with technical commissioning: activities under control.
- Nothing special - group placed tasks with Controls and also need help from EEE, all under control.
- Minor issues while switching on the beamline: CTRL is informed and is taking care.
- Ramping up the vacuum: so far all going well. |