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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 118     Entry time: 08 May 2020, 16:44
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 08.05.2020 
General Announcement:

- Q&A session with SRP/Tobias Haas:
1. External companies have to provide self-assessment to show they have measures in place that comply with EuXFEL regulations on safety related to Covid-19. 
The EuXFEL online training is installed at the gate house and the companies have to make the Covid-19 training. EuXFEL groups have to inform the external companies.
Slides of the training will be provided to the groups for being send to the external companies.
2. One has to observe the maximum occupancy of each room and follow the EuXFEL training. If you stick to the max occupancy, you can work without masks in case minimal
distance is respected - otherwise mask is mandatory. For control hutches we admit only 2 persons. 
3. SRP finds a good idea and encourages instruments to implement additional measures for the hutches that e.g. cover use of tools, computers and/or disinfection 
Nevertheless, such extra local rules must not overrule the EuXFEL rules covered in the training. 
Extra regulations shall be printed and make available at doors, for example. Responsible for rooms and and hutches or local staff must make sure these additional
regulations are explained and followed. 
4. EuXFEL will not provide PPE to external companies.
5. Tobias will check with MB if EuXFEL has to provide PPE to DESY employees. In principle, EuXFEL applies the same rules as DESY.  
6. There is currently no decision on which rules apply to external visitors regarding the summer shutdown. We assume initially they will not be able to come. 
SRP encourages groups to send questions to and the Covid-19 task force will discuss the matter.  
7. There is no decision yet if the FFP-2 masks will be disposed after use or treated for re-use. Initially EuXFEL assume they will be disposed. 
It is yet unclear how long time a mask can be used before loosing efficiency. The slides presented at staff meetings contain suggestions in how to use the masks.

- General: There is no current issues to be discussed today regarding the tunnel access and related work;

- General: No issues have been pointed on the control network activities scheduled for next week. 
XPD must send to CTRL information on when a test of a shutter valve of gas supply will take place (still to be defined) in order to test the notification service. 

- The EPS work in SASE1 was rescheduled to next Friday and has been confirmed with XO and VAC.

- Please note that XTD1 will be closed from May 18th. Do not hesitate in contact XO in case of issues/activities affected due to this.

- Nothing out of ordinary to report; No issues concerning the re-start of instruments.

- Nothing to report.

- SQS installation of cables will happen at beginning of next week, followed by FXE installation.
- EEE Technical side is doing onsite support for the instruments.

- Making progress in the tunnels.
- A particle test on FFP2 masks was conducted and values are higher that the recommended in the clean rooms. 
Please use the normal multi-use protection in top of the masks.

- Making progress in the tunnels.
- PES prototype chamber has been prepared. Next week (foreseen in the middle of the next week) XPD will bring it to the big clean room.
- Plans are up for next week.

- Nothing special.

- Plan to make intervention with control group/server for short moment in a instrument.

- Nothing to report, but please be aware of the particle free masks issue in the clean rooms (pointed above by VAC).

- All 3 PP-laser are working. It remains some alignment but it not a showstopper.

- Working with DET, EEE and CTRL to bring back systems - all going well so far.

- Preparing for the installation of cables.
- Tasks to be done with EEE: new PLCs to be placed in the racks and to be powered on in the hutches.

- Fully under vacuum again. PLCs and motors are on and tested. Commissioning of experimental hutch ongoing.
- MID was in a full shutdown mode: it takes only about 3-4 days to place the full instrument in operation again.

- PP-laser and laser back.
- Split delay line is also OK.

- Not present.

- Progressing with the re-start of the instrument. 
- SQS has used the time to develop and improve the interlock system for the pre-vacuum. 
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00