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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 105     Entry time: 25 Mar 2020, 09:32
Author: Andreas Galler 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Technical Integration Meeting 25.03.2020 

Currently EuXFEL enforces a hand-off policy for instrument/tunnel hardware. That includes remote control of motors, pumps, etc.. as well as changing config files. If and when this policy is lifted will be communicated during Dispatch and Technical Integration Meetings. Please also don't hesitate and contact XO in case of any questions.


  • instrument is fine in safe state.
  • anyone having a VAC monitoring script connected to an SMS service?
    • SH: comments that CTRL is working on that on a more general scope, but that needs a bit more time


  • JungFrau checked and powered down.


  • everything is in a safe state.
    • Martin D. reported a VAC issue --> gonna be clarified
      • MD reports a spike in the VAC which might indicate a leak in a bellow


  • VAC interlock closed
  • eplans for hRIXs electronics
  • MT wrote a rudimentary webservice for monitoring karabo stuff via a webbrowser --> not to be used until sanctioned by CTRL


  • general remark: EEE provides two key systems: utca, and PLCs
    • currently only PLCs for critical systems are covered by OCDs
    • however all other PLCs are kept running, but not necessarily fixed on-site
    • utca not critical --> thus no OCD for that


  • all systems running
    • limitations on karabo in the control network as stated in MB message --> finding out what that means for work on CTRL topics


  • everything working, dropbox for urgently needed IT equipment available


  • working on scenes / projects, recombining and cleaning up.


  • not present


  • tunnel components secured, something on CRLs to be clarified with VAC


  • everything is fine


  • VAC in tunnel is stable
  • new software for vacuum pump carts developed and being rolled out

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00