* Users are scheduled to be here this week (4 beamlines in user runs). SPB, HED, MID report several users have cancelled the travel. Beamlines are making mitigation plans
to run experiments.
- Setting up and working with detectors; Working with 4-bounds MONO; Von-Amos detector working;
- Jumps of beam position have been observed and have to be evaluated;
- Jungfrau detector crashed and DET was contacted;
- Smooth run after new tuned up on Tuesday;
- Jump on beam position comes from mirrors;
- It was observed a change of number of bunches on Tuesday night: from 2 to 30 for example; XO comment: This time should be not considered as regular beam delivery and
only parasitic use. Nevertheless, better information on what kind of changes the machine may perform during the shift can help for the future use of parasitic beam.
- AGIPB was successful; also preparation for users; Mitigated troubles with missing user;
- Not present
- Not present
- Solving issues with motors together with EEE last week;
- Hexapod vacuum feedthrough: missing flange has to be borrowed from another group - still to be found;
- The Pump-probe laser test last week was very successful;
- Re-start of some devices was needed;
- For this week: reduction of user group from 11 to only 3 visitors. Beamtime is a continuation from last year's interrupted time due to the power outage. Local staff is
mitigating missing users;
- Nothing to report
- Nothing to report
- Not present
- Gas attenuator in SQS: not above 10.2 mbar - in investigation. A stress test has to be made and shall be agreed with BKR;
- Not present
- Not present
- Not present |