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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 1     Entry time: 30 Jan 2019, 11:26
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 30.01.19  


  • Planned for the next 2 weeks
    • AGIPD commissioning and tests. DET group heavily involved.
    • Screens are being installed and commisisoned in the hutch.
    • CSS component commissioning. AE involved and informed.
    • Loop 14 (Jungfrau) is needed for next week to start the commissioning. AE and EET main players for now. Issues are now Fuses boxes delivery (AE) and ITDM connections ready (CAT cables measurements not compliant with XFEL standard, AV/ITDM are trying to solve the issue with the companies)
  • CRL implementation in the hutch will happen in April. AE and EET involved.



  • REMI chamber was installed. Currently vacuum connections are being done and tests have to be performed (next couple of days)
  • CYoungmann is commissioning the Mpots.
  • The chain digitizers-triggers-software is being commissioned to allow online analysis. AE, CAS required and involved.
  • New requirement document will be submitted today for a new slit system component (not for this SD).
  • exhaust line for explosive gases has not been tested so far and no information is available to SQS. Urgent. SRP should comment.


  • PLCs have been all installed. Firmware deployment has to be pushed. AE is on it.
  • For the microscope a in-house fast solution has been put in place.
  • Concerning the smaract stages a technician is today here. If anybody is interested, please contact JTDelitz.
  • Detector group is working on the fastCCD.


  • Julabo chiller came back from repair and it is being connected back and tested in this days.
  • Issue with the remote control of the ion pumps. It is not possible to switch on and off the pumps remotely due to the fact that a wrong terminal was used . It seems this was also the same issue in SASE1 and 3. AE and EET are on it to fix it and update the doucumentation. 
  • Fa. Schulz did not manage to pull all the MID EXP cables by Tue afternoon as requested. Fine tuning of whoch cables are needed to start the loop commissioning and whoch ones can be postponed has to be done and driven by EET/MID (M. Flade/JHallman)
  • On Monday afternoon (17:00) a power cut caused by works on the SASE emergency power off caused the PLC to be switched off and additioanl efforts to bring them on again. This intervention was not known to MID and not planned in the winter schutdown list of activities. Technical Services is/will be reminded that proper communication is needed.


  • Loop 2 needed for commissioning. Should be ready this week. Modules for the attenuator are expected to be delivered today/tomorrow. AE required and on it.
  • Tomorrow the commisisoning of the monochromator in the tunnel and CRL in the optics hutch will start.


OPT Lasers

  • LOPA is being  commisisoned in SASE1. Test by the end of the week. No special support required.
  • In SASE3 commisioning isd ongoing and there are no concerns about having the laser ready in July
  • In SASE2 commissioning of the seeder started.
  • Issue with the door is being discussed with TS.



  • In SASE3 additional safety shutters issue: Hardware will be ready by middle of Feb. On the 24 and 25. the installation and the modification of the EPS loop should take place if D3, SRP agree on the change request proposed by HS and MD. AE is involved and has allocated resources. It is not clear to whoch extent CAS is involved. This should be clarified, also for proper CAS resourced allocation.
  • For this friday SRP schedule a test of the GATT. SQS/SCS informed and part of the activity.
  • Durng the installation of mirrors for SASE3 with InGa an issue occured. While pumping down (slowly) foam was generated and it required baking of the system to be able to pump it and bring it to ion pumps vacuum level. Tests are needed to finalize the proper procedure. In general, all the instruments dealing with mirrors should contact XRO (M.Vannoni) for proper venting and pumping down of the system to avoid surprises.



  • Mono in XTD6 commissioning. AE and XRO involved.


  • DESY will reboot the timing system next monday. BF circulated a mail about that.
  • On 19.02 AE and CAS will present the new timing system for the SASEs and related Karabo functions the PBS meeting 


  • Switch of the storage in SASE1 was succesful. Testing ios ongoing. OK so far. In the next days other tests with detectors will be done. (IBM technician also at XFEL today)
  • DAQ In HED will be udpated today



  • No information received on allocation of CAS resources for the B4C implementation os SASE3 (see XRO first item)


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00