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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 595     Entry time: 23 Jan 2019, 10:47
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Report after dispatch meeting 09.30 



  • Fixing session of the sample stage. No controls modification involved. Done by today.
  • Shutter controls from the hutch. Some works were supposed to be done by MPS. What is the status?


  • New interlock definitions have to be tested and implemented. Some tests were performed and bugs fixed. New tests are needed and planned for Wednesday. ==> Master loop will be updated until tomorrow. Tests still planned for Wednesday. ==> Test successful. Now SQS has to decide whether to use the interlocks during next runs.
  • VAC interlock test will be done during next days after update of the loop.


  • Updated interlock definition will be given to AE by SCS==> Done.
  • Electronics and cabling for the laser hutch is coming next. MTeichmann will talk to EET to agree on priority concerning the cables production and pulling. It may be necessary for SCS to pull a few cables as soon as possible (by themselves?). Anyway, cables route will be needed. ==> EET is waiting.


  • Loop commissioning priorities being discussed with AE. (as well as checking whether all the important PLCs are there)
  • Next Tuesday the cabling shoud be completely done. 


OPT Lasers

  • in SASE1 the seeder was swapped. This affects the timing. Will be discussed with AE.
  • PP laser should also get the train id. Change request to be prepared soon.




  • Leak test for HED mono has to be performed
  • AE reports they got feedback that also SASE1 vacuum  needs to be tested. MD checks. 


  • AE was asked to update MOV1 MOV2 and EPS loops for SASE3 tunnels. This is due to the implementation of a new B4C to be mounted and controlled. ==> MOV 1 will be updated. Also CAS will be asked to save the motor parameters. NO EPS and MOV 2 loops update necessary for now. ==> SASE3 MOV 1 will be updated today.


  • DAQ installations for SASE2 and 3 will be physically migrated in the balconies to separate them from SASE1. Will be completed in the next days. Will be finished before DAQ has to be operative.
  • DAQ SASE1 running for detectors test.
  • MID will also get DAQ working soon for AGIPD test.



  • Data logger schould be working for every component now. ==> More info to come.


  • LIEN fixed the sliding doors in SASE3 experiments. Drag chains have been installed. Only 1 cable has to be ordered and exchanged. Will be done during the next shutdown.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00