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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 502     Entry time: 09 Apr 2018, 14:37
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Karabo deployment dates 


Below the E-Mail from Hugo Santos with the Karabo deployment dates.


Dear All,


I would like to call your attention to the fact that we made Karabo 2.2.3 available last Monday (04/04, and the changelog 06/04). From the last Readiness Meeting, I got informed that we agreed and are allowed to proceed with the Karabo rollout planning on SASE3 and SASE2. (SASE1 still needs agreement):

  1. SASE3
    1. PRE-CONDITION: (AE) PLC version and (ITDM) DAQ should be interface-compatible, otherwise, the deployment will not be able to be performed. (No Karabo-DAQ and Karabo-PLC interface issues)
    2. Date: 13/04/2018 (Friday)
    3. Should be the first one because of the completeness of this system: VAC, PES, XGM and GAT loops, for instance, that have to be checked and run properly afterward.
    4. Downtime expected: 9:00 to 14:00
    5. (AE) PLCs version and (ITDM) DAQ should be interface-compatible, otherwise, the deployment will not be able to be performed.
    6. No major change regarding DET systems
    7. CAS Members for this specific task: Chris and Wajid.
  2. SASE2
    1. PRE-CONDITION: SASE3 Deployment task must be done and Karabo 2.2.3 running with PLC and DAQ (No Karabo-DAQ and Karabo-PLC interface issues)
    2. Date: 16/04/2018 (Monday)
    3. Downtime expected: 11:00 to 13:00.
    4. (AE) PLCs version and (ITDM) DAQ should be compatible, otherwise, the deployment will not be able to be performed.
    5. No major change regarding DET system.
    6. CAS Members for this specific task: Chris and Wajid.
  3. SASE1
    1. PRE-CONDITION: SASE2 and SASE3 Deployment tasks must be done and Karabo 2.2.3 running with PLC and DAQ (No Karabo-DAQ and Karabo-PLC interface issues).
    2. Date: (17/04/2018 - Tuesday - to be agreed)
    3. Downtime expected: to be defined
    4. (AE) PLCs version and (ITDM) DAQ should be compatible, otherwise, the deployment will not be able to be performed.
    5. No major change regarding DET systems.
    6. CAS Members for this specific task: Alessandro and Wajid

Finally, please, also see that as soon as we have the Karabo 2.2.3 running during the shutdown, we will have the most comfortable time to perform the setup, configurations and stabilize it, still, during the shutdown. This way we can handover the control system properly to the operators.


Please, if you do not agree or are not comfortable with something in this message, let me know as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will assume that it does not contain any showstopper and we (CAS) can proceed.


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