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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 497     Entry time: 04 Apr 2018, 13:43
Author: Gerd Wellenreuther 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status reports after dispatch meeting 13:00 4.4. 


  • Mirror installation next week


  • Replaced broken diamond-window


  • Installation of alignment laser
  • Mirror tank installation next week


  • Not present / no issues.

SASE tunnels:

  • C. Youngman is coordinating the works in the SASE1, 2 and 3 tunnels, daily meetings are at 9:30 every morning.
  • Works have been scheduled and planned, most work to happen in SASE3 and SASE2.
  • Staff should be aware that works e.g. regarding the vacuum loops have been scheduled and are ongoing, in doubt contact C. Youngman, N. Jardon or V. Bondar


  • Release test with Karabo 2.2.3 are concluding probably today, including test with PLC firmwares 1.26 and 1.27.
  • This would lead to a release for ITDM & Detectors by this evening. A timeslot is required to test the new Karabo with ITDM / DAQ.
  • Deployment at the beamline could potentially be in two weeks, if the test with ITDM and Detectors will conclude fine.


  • Email to xfel-op-allhands was received, indicating that there could have been a shortage of cooling water for the magnets and racks supplied from XS4 and also XS2 (should be SASE2-branch only). If you have electronic racks in this area, check the temperature, email will be forwarded to readiness.


  • A single supermodule of the LPD-detector is flickering, is being investigated.


  • A rise of the temperature in the balcony room from 27° to 39° was observed in the morning from ca. 6:00 until 6:30.
  • This lead to damage at two power supplies.
  • There was no indication by MKK or TS about any kind of shortage or shutdown of the cooling water supply.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00