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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Entry   Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30, posted by Adriano Violante on 28 Mar 2018, 15:22 
    Reply   Re: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30, posted by Hugo Silva Santos on 29 Mar 2018, 09:48 
Message ID: 496     Entry time: 29 Mar 2018, 09:48     In reply to: 495
Author: Hugo Silva Santos 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Re: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30 

Update regarding Digitizer:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "hamed sotoudi namin" <>
To: "Sergey Esenov" <>, "andre" <>
Cc: "Djelloul Boukhelef" <>, "Dennis Goeries" <>, "Leonce Mekinda" <>, "Patrick Gessler" <>, "Hugo Santos" <>, "Krzysztof Wrona" <>,
Sent: Wednesday, 28 March, 2018 17:37:28
Subject: RE: adqDigitzer

Hi everybody,

Today morning me, Andreas and Leonce have tested digitizer with software in 
FXE hutch. We tried the same configuration as it was and checked the log 
file, we observed that software was missing synchronization, that means 
either packets from digitizer have some problems ( missed or corrupted) , or 
buffers are too small in software. We reinitialized everything and problem 
disappeared ( at least for synchronization).
This afternoon I tested digitizer in our lab in APD mode with Raw data mode 
and also checked values; everything was fine. Because till today we have 
tested digitizer in fully load and enabled APD and raw data for all channels 
we observed no issues. I tried to set the same configuration which Andreas 
applied in their system ( APD for one channel and raw data for all channels) 
I encountered the same problems that he had mentioned in Email. Conclusion 
is that Digitizer has no problem when Algorithms are enabled for all 
channels. But when one algorithm is enabled for only one channel there is 
problem in packets, or even there is no packet from digitizer sometimes. 
Which gives timeout error.
Current solution is that to enable required algorithm for all channels and 
ignore result from unwanted ones.
I do really apologize for this inconvenience caused and will do my best to 
solve the problem in Firmware as soon as possible.


Adriano Violante wrote:


  • Sample delivery installed. Tonight will be commissioned. Experiment set-up starts tomorrow night


  • Digitizers were already implemented in the DAQ but there is an issue related to the Karabo device. CAS already looking into that.


  • Follow up to the issue of re-setting pumps after interlock is triggered: loops updated. 
  • SASE2 MOV loop patched
  • Imagers in XTD1 have to be tested with Karabo


  • On monday afternoon problems with the storage servers were reported. The issue is a defective board, whoch is meanwhile been deactivated. IBM is working on that. The system seems to be working in this state.


  • The next Karabo release will be able to handle better big loops. ASilenzi points out that the next update is really important since it adresses problems like the restart of time servers issue.

Readiness Meeting Issue list

  • Item 2 (XGM SASE3): After restarting of the CPP servers the XGM turbo pumps stopped, valves closed and it required a manual intervention to restore them. ==> Firmware updated. CLOSED

Operation Meeting Issuel List

  • Item 1 (Karabo rollout process): Testing steps of a new Karabo release have to be discussed with AE-ITDM-DET ==> Meeting took place. Closed


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