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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 493     Entry time: 26 Mar 2018, 13:10
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


Due to the triggering of the emergency power off in FXE caused by electrical works being done on Sunday, FXE and SPB lost beam and electronics was switched off. In general the efficiency of the communication between groups has to be impoved. An important first step is the publication to a easy accessible site of the OCDs phone numbers list. PSPO will organize that.

Comment by PGessler

"It was clear to all, that currently the impact on operation due to emergency power off is severe, since the Racks with the PLC CPUs as well as the MicroTCA systems will be also switched off, what is not what was defined/specified. Therefore it was agreed, that no work on the power distribution/emergency off will be done until the defined date (for FXE 16th April). That work was done there nevertheless is extremely careless. The fact, that this was done on a Sunday and also during user time makes it even much worse then that.  It has to be completely followed up and made clear, that this is not acceptable and will not be repeated again!"



A run of 14 hrs acquiring data was a sort of stress test for the DAQ. It worked. ITDM would like to remove the data. Should be ok.

Due to the triggering of the emergency power off also SPB lost the beam. This was sort of strange since the power off signal was triggered in FXE. AE reported that this behavior is to be expected with the current configuration. This has to be discussed.



DAQ is recovering from the power off. 

Tripping of the interlock caused again by control unit of ion pumps in the week end. During the shutdown the responsible units will be replaced.

In general is is agreed to prepare an overview interlcok panel in the BKR. AE is on boat, CAS to be checked.

500 kHz operation is problematic for the machine due to heavy losses. They are only able to deliver 1 bunch at this rate. FXE will discuss this directly with the PRC (this week is Jan Gruenert)


AE related

Follow up to the issue of re-setting pumps after interlock is triggered: VAC and EPS loops need to be updated. HSinn was pushing to have it done as soon as possible without waiting for the shutdown. This is not riskless for the experiments. This will be discussed in a small round (AE, PRC, SPB, FXE)


Due to the power outage many devices do not have proper train id. CAS should check it. Time servers also need to be checked.

FXE needs to use digitizers for the upcoming measurements session. These were not implemented in the DAQ. ITDM/FXE/CAS meeting needed to clarify and solve the issue .


LPD calibration had a problem but should be ok now. 

More supermodules coming.

Communication with upcoming userve concerning data format and other issue has to be improved according to the DET group. SPB suggests to tackle the issue offline.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00