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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 489     Entry time: 19 Mar 2018, 08:42
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Status/SASE3 Readiness Meeting 16.03.. 

Photon Run Coordinator (H. Sinn):

1.) SASE1: User experiment SPB could be finished sucussfully after several problems on the weekend (thank to FXE for providing night shift). Big progress in improving throughput of FXE insrument. Next D3 material test with 300 bunches on April 3, 9am. 


2.) SASE2: Transmission of electron beam to T5D dump (SASE2 beamline) this week sucessful. Switching between electron beamlines 

works nicely (minor problem witth dark current during switching).

Now air coil measurement going on. BBA needs to done before first lasiing starting on May 2nd. 

To be clarified today: To we need access to XTD in week 12/13.


3.) SASE3: Photon commissioning (with 24/7 shifts) finished sucessfully. Now specific tasks are done parasitically to SASE1 operation 

during regular working hours (organized by photon run coordinator). 


4.) General (stimulated by DESY operators): EPS system can lead to shutdown of DESY accelerator through MPS by many different channels (PLC in tunnels, Fast valves, PBLM etc). 

On DESY side, MPS provides overview of inputs, but structure difficult to understand and labels are not always conclusive, 

On XFEL side, no general overview panel for all SASEs+Instruments (scene) exists, but it required for facility operation. 


No issues/no report 


- Cleaning of the hutches is ongoing. From 19.3. on, access will be limited. Furthermore, shoe covers have to be worn in E.06 and E.07.
- Electricity in E.22 is delayed. AE and ITDM will be informed about the status by PSPO.
- Vacuum will start the installation of the transfer pipe between the tunnel and E.07 on 19.3.
- SQS will start the installation of their instrumentation on 19.3.
- Some of our beamline components are currently stored at Hera South and must be transported to Schenefeld next week. However, there is an issue with the crane at Hera South. Kai-Erik has to look into this!


FXE (P. Zalden / A. Galler):

No issues/no report 

SCS (J.T. Delitz)

No issues/no report 


"The laser group has nothing particularly noteworthy to report, only that installation is still going as planned"


Installations in XTD6 are ongoing. Damaged vacuum pipes have been 
exchanged/ordered. Vacuum in XTD1 is closed. Control System in XTD1 is 

working and locally tested, Interlock-tests will happen after Easter.



No issues/no report 

Advanced Electronics:

No issues/no report 

SASE2 Tunnels (C. Youngman)

Going according to plan. 1 week after Easter the movement and EPS loops are supposed to be brought up. 

ITDM (K. Wrona):

No issues/no report 

Detectors (J. Sztuk-Dambietz, P. Lang):

A module for AGIPD was replaced. 

No issues/no report

CAS (H. Santos):

DEMO for the coordinated motion was done during the week. Further tests needed. 

Schedule and discussion about the Karabo rollout process. See presentation bz H. Santos given in the technical meeting.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00