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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 486     Entry time: 12 Mar 2018, 08:18
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Status/SASE3 Readiness Meeting 09.03 

Photon Run Coordinator (L. Samoylova):

Commissioning during machine studies Tue and Wed and parasitically during SA1 user operation at 
 SASE3 on Thursday and Friday 



User operation, current status (Adrian): got few data from a test system on Saturday. The users’ 
sample delivery technology now seems to deliver nice & stable droplets, so if SPB 
get beam early enough today to set up for a measurement, a full data set could be collected. 


  • Instrument Commissioning
  • Measure beamline transmission (unfocused 550 µJ per pulse at the sample position, with lenses 
    115 uJ)

 Machine studies

  • Wed afternoon: a set of K-mono FEL spectra taken 

 Thu, Friday - a first experience of the SASE3 commissioning in 30 bunch mode during user operation: 

  • minimal number of undulators (12) for lasing, low intense SASE (XGM shows 10 uJ, linear 
    regime), SRA closed to 2 mm
  • MCP2 @ SASE3 - signal from 30 SASE pulses, consistently decrease with closing the slit down 
    to 0.5 mm 


 'unexpected' from photon side closing XTD1 two working days earlier, explicit schedule 

  • for the south branch tunnels access would be appreciated
  • power off in XHPSC on Thursday at 21:15, no cooling water in experimental hall that led to 
    increasing the temperature in the rack with the MicorTCA crate, the CPUs of the two MicroTCA 
    crates in SPB and one of the two crates in FXE were automatically switched off. SPB crate 
    1 did not come automatically back afterwards, as the result: no train IDs for SPB PLC 
    loops, no MPS for SPB, no Clock and Control for AGIPD, no triggers for SPB systems on 
  • Saturday morning the MPS interlock takes into account the signal from one of three fast valve 
    on SPB shutter although these valves are disconnected to SPB EPS interlock. The MPS 
    bit had to be masked

Correction from SPB [12.03.2018 10:10]: This issue was not related to the XTD9 shutter, but to the 
optics hutch shutter. The fast valve in XTD9 is connected to the EPS, the fast valve 
in the OH is not yet connected to the EPS. After the restart of the EPS/MPS on Thursday 
/ Friday after the cooling water issue, the condition for the fast valve in the optics 
hutch was wrongly included in the MPS. 


1) Thursday 08.03.2018 (8 am - 8 pm) - SPB/SFX commisioning shift


          - everything running

          - RAW data overview very responsive with  data filtering as suggested by Steffen

          - Corrected data preview started very nicely and seem to provide only limited update rate after a few hours running

          - karabo DAQ deices (dataaggregators) need several rests, resulting in a full DAQ restart around 7pm

          - sometimes updates in KARABO were lost

          - preparation for users experiment - over night


2) Thursday 08.03.2018 (around 9 pm) - "cooling water" incident


         - vacuum pumps affected

         - AGIPD warmed up

         - uTCAs have tripped/shutdown (some infrastructure needs to replaced)


3) Friday 09.03.2018 - morning (User beamtime)

         - damaged uTCAs equipment was replaced but trigger setting needs to be input/ adjusted =  loss of the user beamtime

         - User experiment progresses


Hutch cleaning Mid. March

KB tanks installation in parallel with SCS

9-14 air filter will be installed. After that date only clean works have to be carried out

Collision with KB tanks installation and other activities like Rad. Interlock test to verify


FXE (P. Zalden / A. Galler):

Setting up the experiment

IPM and XGM data manualy correlated. Would be nice to have the train id working to have the "live" correlation


SCS (J.T. Delitz)

  • cleaning of hutch next week (wk11)
  • we will start moving first components wk12-13, ie. ALAS and DPS
  • KB installation (positioning only, no AC+filter required) beginning April-depends on commissioning of precision climate zone (currently discussed with PI)


PP-Laser (M. Lederer):

SASE1 commisisonin gonoing.

Some misalignment due to the cooling water accident. To be investigated 

09.04 SASE2/3 laser tables will be installed.


Vacuuum (R. Villanueva):

SASE2--------->Good progresses on XTD1 control system deployment: Differential Pumping sectors are ready for first beam // First five vacuum sectors under vacuum and locally tested (already with Karabo). XTD6 tunnel installation phase progresses at good pace.


SASE1--------->In general, nothing additional to remark. We are working in a more robust interlock definition to prevent false triggering due of ion pump control signals.


SASE3--------->Complete vacuum system is working normally. Gas Attenuator is now under routinary operation up to 2-3 mbar with a UHV interface pressure after its DPS sector < 1*10e-9 mbar.


SQS/SCS/XRO collaboration for the mirror coating ongoing

Installation of M5 in preparation


XPD (T. Maltezopoulos ):

XGM@XTD2, @XTD9, and @XTD10 are online.


XGM@XTD1 is in the loop and accessible from Karabo

(together with AE+CAS).

Currently I test XGM@XTD1 components from DOOCS.


XGM@XTD9 shows slightly higher energy then in XTD2.

I calibrate all XGM components twice, but still it remained.

Note that the beam pass the XTD9 XGM with -7 mm offset

(in beam direction 7 mm to the left, to the south).

With this high offset absolute calibration is not guaranteed.


Advanced Electronics (P. Gessler):

1 CPU for SPB broken due to the cooling water accident. Already replaced. Being configured

FXE grating integrated in the vac loop


SASE2 Tunnels (C. Youngman)

More coordination is needed, especially concerning the access to the tunnels. For the technical details, please see slides on the indico page



ITDM (K. Wrona):

No problems with overrheating

Problems with Train ID reliability after the heating. Should be checked and monitored online

Documentation of single devices have to be improved. + there is need for a tool to make the sanity check


Detectors (J. Sztuk-Dambietz, P. Lang):

LPD commissioning OK + DAQ working. Now LPD off because of cooling water problems.

CAS (H. Santos):

  • Sandor is in a meeting with the Detector group to align requirements regarding AGIPD and DA
  • We started to prioritize and address the (agile) missions of SPB and FXE. As part of this effort:
    • Alessandro started to develop the scenes link on the GUI. This feature is really required and has been present in several SRDs (For example, to link vac sections/loops).
    • We implemented the GUI combo box to select different GUI Server - it is part of the SPB Mission (Leonce)
  • Hamed and Sergey made good progress on the Digitizer. They will work on a demo/talk for the next PBS Meeting.
  • Wajid, Sergey, and Dennis fixed the X2Timer issue reported by FXE (hash/data inconsistency). It is already deployed and running.
  • Regarding the cooling incident. Wajid was the first contacted yesterday. After that Alessandro at 01:00. Today, during the morning, we reinstall Karabo at SPB-RR-SYS-UTC-1.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00