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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
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Message ID: 473     Entry time: 16 Feb 2018, 15:44
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Status/SASE3 Readiness Meeting 16.02. 

Photon Run Coordinator Report to Readiness Meeting

The maintainance on Wednesday was very successful and all goals were reached (and some extras). 

Thanks to everybody involved in planning and execution! 


- Installation of Karabo 2.2.x in XTD10 went smoothly. 


- SASE1 tuning studies are ongoing. Still there are some things to be learned on compression and 

optimizations will go on Friday. Currently around 250 uJ.


Recent achievments in commissioning: 


-Peter aligned CRLs in XTD2 to beam. 

-Naresh could work on Hirex

-Liuba and Ilia started pointing studies with imagers (?)

Problem: We found out that gate vales of vacuum are not connected to DESY MPS

(waek beam was hitting one closed valve behind Hirex for about 2 hours)



- Gas attenuator commissioning started

- Calibration of SRA to optical center of beamline

- The undulator beam was steered 4 mm horizontally. The vertical steering requires movement of undulator center, 

which will be tried possibly on Friday

- Cross calibration of XGM to FEL imager started last night. 


- KB mirrors
        - installation of horizontal micron KBs finished (approx 8 working days were required)
        - pump carts attached, expected that one week is required before valves can be re-opened (Vacuum group needs ZZ to reconnect valves on the XTD9 side)
        - installation of vertical micron KBs in April
        - D02 will remain cleanroom during the intervening time, i.e. all companies / groups (internal and external) coming on site should be briefed. No access without permission and accompaniment
        - controls tests on elmos completed via Karabo, help from Nerea / Mahadi to get everything working as expected
- configuration of smaract motors
        - commissioning setup will be used during first beam week in March
        - Re-config of smaract controllers by Marcin / Grant / Mahadi mostly completed
        - firmware update scheduled for this week will not be completed as DESY detector group firmware expert is not available
        - remain limited to 32 patterns per train
        - automatic cooling and powering procedures are not working reliably (requires investigation poss. CAS?)
        - AGIPD chiller fell into an error state after removal of a separate crate BKF00072 (SPB_IRU_LIC), loop 5 redundancy requires investigation (AE)
- Karabo
        - GUI is slow to update or does sometimes not update (request investigation by CAS)
        - devices (e.g. those reporting pressure / temperature) have to be re-started before updates are seen in Karabo (request investigation by CAS)
        - Users have questions about any changes in the implementation of the 'Karabo bridge’. Technical information on how information is broadcast from Karabo is required in order to ensure that users can adapt their monitoring software 

- data trial run
        - Robert suggested trial run for DAQ / user software plugin before the first experiment. SPB can contribute to the execution of these tests and involving users. Requires also action from CAS and ITDM teams



  • Diamond grating in XTD9 can be controlled remotely now
  • DAQ test ongoing
  • LPD calibration to be  performed


  •  Installation according to the plan, no major delays. 


SASE1:     ZZ access to connect SPB valves

SASE3:     tripping of interlock seems to be understood, interlock conditions changed,

                if it happens again, the two effected gauges will be removed from interlock until April

           Gas Attenuator is operational, Raul did some tests yesterday, up to 1 mbar

           No feedback control on gas pressure, only manual setting of gas flow

           The device can only be operated by experts so far


  • see PRC section 


Last wednesday tunnel access:

  • „repaired“ SA1 IMGSR trigger (with AE)
  • „repaired“ SA3 XGM, restarted (but intentionally without HAMP)
  • better routing / fixing of purple Beckhoff loop Ethernet cables and fiber connections is needed

SASE3 vacuum interlock trips (which eventually led to XGM failure on Saturday and reoccured monday night again) were strongly investigated by VAC : now understood ?

work on cross-calibration between XGMs and Imagers (as backup intensity/position monitors when XGM is out of order) with Laurent

DAQ: work with Krzysztof and Luis to get SASE1 DAQ back in operation, and to start SASE3 DAQ (can we test today ?)

Current status of SASE delivery (max. µJ in SA1/SA3): yesterday 390 / 200, this morning 190 / 600

Request to CAS: please plan to send for "training" or "experience" some CAS people to BKR during beam operation, especially the people in CAS who do OCD.

On behalf of Natalia : report to AE on detected issues with the ELMO controller settinsome hours gs of the PBLM motors in SASE1



- stuck trigger timing module in XTD2 restarted (related to SR imager)

- Gas Attenuator PLC loop updated

- PLC modules in SPB rack with SmarACT system rearranged according to updated documentation

- Two bugs in PLC Framework identified, which are fixed now in the current version, but is not deployed yet to most systems:

     - Access rights are not correctly transferred to Karabo. This leads to the fact, that in cases of very special parameters only read access is possible via Karabo (these are automatically injected parameters in Karabo). If you come to the problem of not being able to write such a parameter, please let AE know and we can set it directly to the PLC. This will be solved with the next PLC loop update.

     - A bug was identified, which could in the worst case lead to a full crash of the related PLC. This could be caused by a „re-init“ on a device on the PLC. Therefore do no re-inits on PLC devices. If you really see the need for a re-init of a certain device, please let AE know about this and we see, if this is required and how this could be done. Also this issue will be fixed with the next scheduled update of the PLC loop.



  •  Cameras issue solved.
  • SASE3 DAQ testing to start
  • XGM data acquisition to be tested due to karabo/DAQ possible lost of information recently debugged.


+ Karabo 2.2.2 is released
+ 3rd control pc is set up in BKR
+ SASE3 is running Karabo 2.2.1
+ Karabo 2.2.1 is tested with DAQ
+ as we moved into weeks of commissioning, CAS OCD is regularly (basically every night) involved in and provides support for partly software and partly hardware issues
+ as experiments are coming, Data Analysis integration requests (eg. on Karabo Bridge) shall be channeled to Hans (and to the newly setup DA contacts: Thomas for SPB and Cyril for FXE) directly
+ the gui slowness problem reported by SPB needs to be checked if it comes from the GUI client or from the server and shall be tested with the new Karabo hotfix 2.2.2, too.


LPD canlbration analisis ongoing

LPD Long integration time acquisition being tested

AGIPD: colntrol optimized and tested. Firmware being tested, the aim is to ioncrease the acquisition speed.

AGIPD: next week calibration data to be taken. 

AGIPD: Sensors in the centra area that underwent scattered beam to be checked.

CYoungman - SASE3

 - good progress was made and this type of 'commissioning' mini-shutdown (anything longer than 6 hours) should be performed as often as possible (Wed. shutdown). Next work items would involve: PBLM, ExitSlits....

LBatchelor - XTD6

XTD6: both CRLs (MID CRL2 and HED CRL2) ready for installation (lenses installed and aligned, chambers sealed). Installation should happen next week.




ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00