"In the beginning of this meeting SM congratulated the whole staff of the European XFEL and in particular the commissioning team with the very important achievements
- the first SASE3 lasing / bi-lasing at SASE3/SASE1. It happened yesterday late evening. More information will be given during our PBS meeting next week."
Photon Run Coordinator Report to Readiness Meeting
- parasitic operation in SASE3 (closed 3 undulator segments) for photon commissioning with SR-beam
- V0 opened, vacuum open down to XHEXP-shutters
- photon beam detected down to FEL imager, yesterday until SR absorber beyond mirrors M1/M2 and MCP
- photon systems supported tuning/search for SASE1 lasing
- Progress in SASE3:
- First Lasing in SASE3/XTD10
- simultaneous lasing SASE1 and SASE3
- During operation Karabo crashed. The problem is not clear yet. Det. loop was affetcted ==> AGIPD tests stopped!
- 2 mirrors in D.02 are being installed.
- Test of the mirrors movements is ongoing
- Motors issues are being checked by AE (Mahadi)
- Gotthard det. and digitizers back to work
- Leak close to the diamond window being fixed
- SASE2:
interlock problems solved, runs without problems since yesterday
GasAttenuator loop needs update. when is the best time to do that? to be agreed with PRC
- issues mainly in the XPD section
- SASE1 : photon systems supported tuning/search for SASE1 lasing
- tests of DAQ in SASE1 ongoing
- parasitic operation in SASE3 (closed 3 undulator segments) for photon commissioning with SR-beam
- V0 opened, vacuum open down to XHEXP-shutters
- photon beam detected down to FEL imager, yesterday until SR absorber beyond mirrors M1/M2 and MCP
- karabo update to 2.2.x in SASE3 tunnel scheduled for next tuesday morning
- SASE3 DAQ urgently required
- issues with in-vacuum goniometer motor control of KMONO
- issues with IMGFEL to be understood - found a scintillator which works when we have FEL radiation
- The need to properly plan the activities close to the tunnels closing is pointed put.
- The need of a specific technical coordinator as in SASE3 for the SASE2 tunnels is pointed out
- Sase3 DAQ not ready since Karabo is not yet up-to-date
- Slow data acquisition issue affecting cameras: being worked out.
- In SASE3, deployment of new (2.2.1) Karabo versionwas delayed because of many people getting the flu.
- 2.2.2 release test cycle ongoing