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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 467     Entry time: 05 Feb 2018, 09:11
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Status/SASE3 Readiness Meeting 02.02. 


- Loops update OK

- Issue with SmarACT controllers. AE is on it (see below).

- Synch motion of mirrors motion being worked out with AE.




- Loops update OK

- DAQ updated

- CRL in the tunnel have two encoders with problems. Can be disabled and are not a problem for operation.

- A leak before the diamond window was found. Being closed now.

- Preparation for timing tool commissioning ongoing

- The new user chicane will be probably cut next week.




- SASE 1 commissioning and upgrade moves according to plan


- SASE 2 and 3:  so far we still have green light concerning access control, laser safety installations, network and sync for installation of laser tables starting at the beginning of April.





- SASE1 und SASE3 vacuum systems are ready for restart of beam operation

- update of SASE1 vacuum loop on Wednesday caused many problems (all ion pumps in error state)




- Test piezo motors XTD9 today




- XTD10: K-Mono, XGM, PES, filter chamber, imagers operational except:

- Karabo tests for Exit slit imager.

- Camera cables to be exchanged for 2 imagers, ZZ access 1h.

- PES, issues with digitiser and MPOD scenes.


- XTD2 and 9: All components operational, Hirex also including Gotthard.


- Next steps

- Progress on scenes and projects implementations.

- Compatibility with new Karabo, Karabo GUI.

- Test and improve usage of DAQ.




- Coordinated motion of MC2 Based Motors were implemented and presented to first users in SPB and XPO as well as to CAS

- The issue with the SmarACT motor controllers observed in the past was due to an issue in the controller. It was solved with an firmware update and requird configuration with dip switches. For this the later usage (e.g. rotary, linear, etc stages) has to be defined. The modifications for SPB is ongoing.

- AE observed, that in some cases PLC related electrical work was carried out until the very last day of open tunnel, which require a PLC firmware update and successive test. Since there is also a risk in the firmware update as it could be, that during tests issues might be observed, there is no access anymore to the actual system and thus could not be solved without ZZ or new access time. We had issues due to this, where at least temporary workarounds were possible - but it could also be different. This is a high risk, which should be know to everyone involved and decided on, if we want to continue like this in the future. AE would prefer to stop with any electrical PLC changes at least some days before tunnel closure and allow firmware updates (possible Karabo changes) and full tests by the users of the components with Karabo in order to identify and solve possible issues.

- Another issue took place, where a change request for a PLC change was issued, but instead of waiting for the finally modified designs to then do the related hardware modification, the modification on hardware were done without any new designs. This creates many problems: no CAD design according to hardware exists, the current revision state of the module is not defined, no firmware structure could be exported and generated for the current design, etc. Therefore modifications without new CAD design and consulting AE is not allowed!





- Sase3 tunnels: cabling issues solved.

- DAQ so far stable. Has to be tested at full load now with the new Karabo.

- DAQ update for Tunnels in SASE1 and 3 ongoing. Today and next Monday will be test days.

- Gateway update done: small issue with SSH connections, easily solvable==> the procedure will be posted in the logbook

- The Maxwell cluster will need to be shut down for 2 days next week due to upgrades.




-  2.2.1 has been deployed without real problems on FXE, LAS, SPB, SA1.

-    In SASE3, it is still 2.1.18 and it will be updated early next week

-    2.2.2 release test cycle almost finished. The release will be published early next week - This release will not be mandatory, but recommended based on the new GUI benefits.

-    SASE3 Tunnel most critical tasks were done, including the gas attenuator by Valerii. It was a really complex task that Valerii went deeply and get it done for us all!

-    Sergey keeps working in Digitizer with Hamed (AE) but based on the deadline they decided to go for the old protocol.

-    Andrea (Alessandro and Steffen) has been working on the AGIPD Library to report when AGIPD will stop to acquire data

-    Gabriele started discussions to address the DAQ for LAS with ITDM.

-    XGM's DOOCS integration has been updated to address TrainID issues. We must allocate 2-3 days to test it with Beam.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00