- one mfpga board was found malfunctioning and was replaced with the old one. Concerning the mc the new version can be used.
- Liquind jet test ongoing.
- Waiting for the Loop 5 to be updated by AE
- Old version of Karabo was sluggish as of yesterday.
- 2.2.1 Karabo verion being rolled out for SPB - test ongoing.
not represented
- SASE1 vacuum in the tunnels closed (CRL chamber closed).
- KB mirror chamber in D.02 (SPB optics hutch) will be opened at the beginning of February
- In SASE3 the gas supply is now decoupled from the vacuum loop
- Soft XRay mono vacuum to be closed today.
not represented
not represented
-XTD 2 CRL to be tested tomorrow
- Update of loops ongoing
- Emergency off button test in FXE showed that the relative controlling PLC was not configured correctly. In addition, communication problems between TS and FXE made things more difficult. PSPO will talk to TS and decide how to proceed. In the meanwhile the test foreseen in SPB for next monday HAS BEEN CANCELLED. GWellenreuther has informed Torsten Schoen.
- Meeting this week to decide whether to use or not the train builder for
AGIPD and LPD detectors
- in 3 racks in XTD10 some network connection added last year do not work
properly. The responsible company solved the problem without bringing down the loops.
- 2.2.1 Karabo was deployed in FXE experiment and tests are ongoing.
- 2.2.1. being rolled out in SPB exp and Laser
- SASE3 tunnels tunnels will get the new Karabo version next week. SASE1 tunnels will follow (probably in the same week) |