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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 448     Entry time: 12 Jan 2018, 11:10
Author: Gerd Wellenreuther 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after Readiness Meeting 
- AGIPD was tested with old mc board to verify that it was working fine
after the in-vacuum intervention in Dec 2017. The detector is working
and also the vacuum is ok.
- The exchange of the mc and mfpga boards is ongoing and will continue
next week (according to planning)

- Diffraction Grating is being installed by JJ-XRay. End to end tests to 
- Karabo being updated to the 2.2.1. version.

- CRL XTD2 closed yesterday, seems to be leak tight
- PLC VAC loop update done yesterday
- soft mono chamber still open, XRO is installing mirrors
- MCP connected to beamline again, pumped down yesterday
- VAC - GATT loop separation ongoing, loop restart next Monday

- rebooted vacuum loop yesterday, XGM vacuum gymnastics
- MCP technical comm.:  motor tests, some rewiring & enabling control of HV
- Imagers: all imagers in motion Loop 1 and 2 - some small mistakes
- Photonic Science camera issue (16bit) is solved
- MCP transported into tunnel XTD6
- now ALL vacuum chambers of XPD are in the TUNNELS (few more for the hall)

- the timing specification has been extended, 6 laser patterns available
for SASE1/2/3 and the laser lab. 4 others are reserver for SASE4/5. In
the next months desy will upgrade doocs servers and firmware.
- SASE1: pp-laser upgrade and remaining commissioning progress as per
plan (finish end of March). No commitments to experiments till then.
- SASE3 and 2: Plenums are being installed. Plans for laser table
installations: currently still for April.

- did not attend

- Gas attenuator is in separate loop and loop running
- MOV loop 1 updated (incl. MCP related change)
- Plan to update EPS loop today
- VAC loop update planned for Monday
- MicroTCA crate for PES replaced - Timing back for this crate and also
for XGM and KMONO
- Timing changes - Machine switched to 1Hz and they reset the train IDs to avoid soon issues with the machine DAQ system

 - LPD recabled with Infiniband connection. Test ongoing.
 - Meeting next week to decide whether to use or not the train builder for 
AGIPD and LPD detectors
 - in 3 racks in XTD10 some network connection added last year do not work 
properly. The responsible company is comeing back next week to check the 
cabling. Interventions have to be planned accordingly since the Beckhoff 
loops are running!

- Karabo 2.2.1 has been created and its roll out for hw tests on real
field has been started
- We have started at FXE. Until now only a single problem has been found
with LPD FEM.
- Laser Laboratory has also been updated without any problem detected
until now
- Next Monday Lasers group's PPL installation will be upgraded
- Next week, SPB will be upgraded also step-by-step
- Finally, SASE1 will also be upgraded.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00