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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 436     Entry time: 18 Dec 2017, 10:48
Author: Gerd Wellenreuther 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after Readiness Meeting 


  • M. Areste presented a report about the progress so far achieved in the shutdown (see Indico for details).
  • Most tasks are ongoing, on schedule.
  • Few still have to be scheduled, mostly because support groups wait for feedback.
  • C. Youngman does detailed coordination of SASE3tasks.Will organize meeting on Tuesday 9:30 for SASE3 tunnel only
  • We will review the progress again in Mid-January!


SPB (M. Sikorski):

  • AGIPD was tested.
  • Roll back to crystallography configuration is ongoing.


FXE: No one attended.


Vacuum (M. Dommach): 

  • 1st mirror M1 in SASE3 installed, chamber closed, pumped down & leak tested
  • Preparations for 2nd mirror in SASE3 installation ongoing, to be installed next week.
  • MCP taken out of SASE3, put in parking position and pumped down again.
  • Grating chamber from FXE was installed by JJ X-ray, is to be pumped in CW 51.
  • SASE2 XS2 beam pipe behind shutter and lead wall installed, ready for TÜV inspection next week.


Diagnostics (A. Koch):

  • XGM in XTD1 is almost cabled, more cabling was done in XTD10.
  • Gas supply system in XTD1+6 was worked on.
  • Photonics Science camera was tested.
  • Trouble with the motion loop in XTD2 and XTD10, reported to AE.


AE (P. Gessler ):

  • MCP motion and k-monochromator were tested.
  • Motion loop was split in SASE1 tunnel.
  • Many tests, lots of work in progress, need to act quick as time is short.
  • T. Wilksen (DESY) is going to update the timing hardware è devices would have to switch to local timing, and switch back later to be operable.


Laser (M. Lederer):

  • Further commissioning of the PP-laser was started.
  • Upgraded Karabo and PLC firmwares. Works are on schedule.
  • Measurements on the dependence of humidity are ongoing.
  • DESY is working on the timing system, laser synchronization will be down until the 21.1.18.
  • PP-laser pattern selection with machine timing:DESY is now pushing for the originally planned implementation. DESY will have to do some software development in this context.


Detectors (J. )

  • Tested the AGIPD @ SPB, but 1 board was not working. Detector consortium could not provide a replacement board, so only half of the detector was tested before SPB/SFX had to close the detector vessel again.
  • LPD was tested with train builder, but only tests using 2 memory cells could be conducted (2 images per train), so train builder was not tested with all memory cells.
  • More tests with full load (i.e up to 510 images per train) still have to be performed.
  • Test with DSSC will take place in HERA South in CW 51.


ITDM (K. Wrona)

  • Monday til Wednesday there will be no DAQ due to extension of the Infini-band bandwidth, upgrades, firmware updates, recabling etc.
  • DAQ up again on Thursday


Software (S. Brockhauser)

  • CAS-People are currently working only in SASE3. In the future, they can either work on SASE3 or SASE2, but not both!
  • Slides with Project-plan provided by Hugo Santos (see Indico)
  • Release of Karabo 2.2.0 on the 18.12. (in the meantime shifted to the 20.12.)
  • Testing by ITDM and consecutive deployment in tunnels and at the instruments takes until 22nd of January
  • Karabo 2.2.1 to be expected mid of January
  • Further decisions will be taken mid of January
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00