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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 429     Entry time: 06 Dec 2017, 13:46
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 13:00 


  • Shutdown started.


  • SPB:
    • AGIPD prepared for exchange modules intervention
    • AE is in contact with SPB for crates issues fixing
    • The schedule for next year, especially when the experiment has to be ready before the users run has to be known as soon as possible.
  • FXE
    • Starting loops update in the next days. Reason for the small delay is that FXE is checking all the default parameters to be able to restore them after the update.
    • In order to solve some DAQ issues, FXE requested to have their own topic. AE agrees, ITDM agrees, CAS is trying to find out how to do it and to do it before the next users run. Technical details have to be discussed offline with FXE.


  • in KW 51 (18-22 Dec.) the DAQ and online cluster will not be available due to recabling works in the balcony rooms.
  • Update of the servers in the experiments has to be done. ITDM requested to know from CAS when the major update of Karabo is taking place to coordinate the effort and minimize the downtime. CAS will present a schedule concerning Karabo this Friday.
  • 700 Tb of data are stored on the online cluster. It has to be communicated by the experiments what can be moved from there, since there is almost no space left.


  • Implementation of Gotthard detector in Karabo is still a problem. S.Hauf will invite the main groups involved for a meeting to find a solution.
  • The data correlation with time stamps when using the Karabo DAQ has to be done carefully and contacting WP74 since there are still issues present. 


  • Activities on the Hirex in SASE1 will need the MOV loop to be brought down in the afternoon. An entry in the ELOG will be written.
  • SPB loop 8 prepared. 
  • Full list of new crates belonging to the motion loop in SASE3 tunnels has to be delivered to AE
  • Full list of new crates belonging to the IPS loop in SASE3 tunnels has to be delivered to AE in order to be able to close the loop.
  • Technosoft controller issues in SASE3 will be attacked once the SASE1 activities will allow it.


  • VAC testing ongoing.
  • 2 mirrors will be installed before Christmas
  • Motion crates for the motion lopps and test of the VAC interlock will happen this week.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00