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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 422     Entry time: 17 Nov 2017, 17:14
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Status/SASE3 Readiness Meeting 


  • Beam is back with good intensity (up to 1 mJ) 
  • Next user period starts on  23 Nov
  • Time between now and then should be used to optimize FEL, beam lines and Instruments


  • FXE:
    • Measurements of pulse intensity were done using an XGM from DESY in the hutch
    • A  pulse intensity of ca 40 uJ was found. This is in rough agreement with the expectations
    • Spectrometer was aligned
    • GreatEyes and Gotthardt detectors are working fine
    • LPD still to be checked
  • SPB:
    • Using beam to do alignment
    • Not such a good focus (too big)
    • Plans are to continue with instrument commissioning today and Saturday
    • Work is currently being done by Mahadi on the SmarACT rotary stages
    • FXE points out that most likely SPB operated with the FXE CRLs inserted into the beam
    • Note: The standard "switching script" from Harald should be used to make sure parameters and devices are properly adjusted when beam is switched from one instrument to the other
    • Detector calibration on Sunday


  • Last Friday there was a Bender failure on mirror M2
  • The mirror was removed from the tunnel during the weekend and the SASE2 spare was inserted 
  • In the process one Beckhoff controller was found broken
  • In the removal process a further problem was caused in one of the Beckhoff loops
  • This problem could be fixed from outside the tunnel 
  • After this 20h were spent to redo Beam-Based Alignment in 7 iterations
  • The new orbit deviates from the old by up to 80 um.
  • After using the new orbit, the FEL lased quickly with good intensity
  • The replaced mirror M2 could be re-aligned 
  • On Thursday beam was available to FXE
  • Remark from J. Grünert: Instruments should make sure that most up-to-date DOOCS panel is loaded to see proper XGM info
  • Update of DAQ caused DAQ in tunnels to be broken. This is now fixed according to K. Wrona
  • HIREX commissiong is going in parallel 


  • AGIPD:
    • Before the bender failure a few X-Rays could be taken on AGIPD
    • It looks like 30 X-Ray pulse can be taken now
    • Additional flat field calibration is needed now
    • On Sunday a full shift is foreseen for commissioning with beam
  • LPD:
    • One quadrant was disassembled to find the cooling leak.
    • Leak now appears to be fixed
    • No sign of dead spots on detector


  • We are operating in shifts:  early / late, although experiments have been cancelled, performing shift change and other excercises for commissioning.
  • Operating the laser with machine timing was so far hampered by the fact that the transmitted laser patterns from the machine were limited to the actual number of x-ray pulses, i. e. mostly non-deterministic 1 or 0. Optical alignment and characterization is not possible under those conditions. Therefore, on the weekend we have switched to local timing to give guys some power.
  • Following this experience, we have decided to attempt local generation of laser patterns under machine timing in order to be independent of the machine and not have to switch back and forth between local and machine timing. This has been implemented and is under test today and over night. We still observe spurious long term drifts, which are under investigation.  However, if finally successful, this can only be a make shift solution for the coming weeks. Mid to long term we need proper implementation by DESY, allowing pattern changes on short notice and independent of the machine. This is in preparation (time line ca. mid 2018).
  • Currently, beams are sent to FXE and SPB with 30 pulses each, 800nm broadband, should be compressible to 15fs. This is under machine timing but with locally generated patterns.
  • There are other curiosities concerning machine timing, which are related to the increased T0 arrival time jitter compared with our local timing. Debugging is ongoing. We are also testing various features under above conditions (machine timing, local pattern):  phase shifter, trigger shifter, shift change. Time line: depending on outcome, daily updates will be provided.


  • When the breakdown of the interlock occured in conjunction with the broken Beckhoff terminal it became obvious that crucial emergency phone numbers are not available
  • Better emergency procedures are needed
  • The special EPS operation mentioned to align the mirrors should be written down so that it can be implemented an no override of the interlock system is needed
  • The list of shutdown activities compiled by PSPO contains a lot of work for AE. This is now being discussed. 


  • Some problems occured this week with DAQ of slow data. This should have been fixed yesterday


  • Doing 24/7 OCD support 
  • During switch between instrument CAS comes in to provide support
  • The cancellation of user operation last weekend was not properly communicated so that people came in unnecessarily
  • Next week additional work for WP74 is being done
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00