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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 406     Entry time: 23 Oct 2017, 16:54
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Status/SASE3 Readiness Meeting 


  • Pump-probe beam is now in the instrument hutch
  • Currently working on setting up the remainder of beam steering and compression
  • Gotthardt is working. Tests are going on a and some issues with the DAQ still need to be solved
  • The sample stack needs to be moved up stream for the next user period


  • Still working on AGIPD. Many cables needed to be disconnected and are being re-connected now
  • AE finished all the scheduled modifications on the crates and are doing some more that were originally not scheduled
  • A few details with the interlock need fixing
  • The newest version of Beckhoff_Devices needs to be deployed
  • The previously observed slowness of the GUI is probably fixed but needs more real life exposure. Final test are being done
  • The full infrastructure should be back and operational Tuesday/Wednesday


  • Work is going on on the gas attenuator
  • Interlocks are ready for the WP74 DPS and the XGM
  • Detailed steps to completion in XTD10 were re-iterated by C. Youngman. Additional coordination off line after the meeting
  • L. Samoylova mentioned that the mirror encoders in XTD2 are currently in error. B. Baranasic will have a look


  • In the new version of KARABO, the rights for reading and writing parameters from and to the PLC are now being observed, differently from before.
  • This causes problems. P. Gessler mentions that he is very concerned that such a major change is introduced so briefly before the next user period. This puts AE under great pressure and leaves almost no time for testing
  • All the SASE1 loops were updated because of the new "feature" in KARABO
  • A. Silenzi mentions that he can implement a workaround for this "feature" so that loops need no updating. However, this requires a new KARABO release


  • KARABO2DOOCS: Meeting today with the DESY control people at 1430 in BKR
  • ScanTool: Meeting foreseen Tuesday/Wednesday with the instruments
  • The GUI slowness necessiated a hotfix which was verified within CAS. Now waiting for feedback from instruments
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00