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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 401     Entry time: 13 Oct 2017, 13:48
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Status/SASE3 Readiness Meeting 


  • A recent survey has shown that the experiment hall and the end of the tunnels XTD9 and XTDD10 have settled by as much as 6.5mm. If components need to be re-aligned a completely new network of points would need to be established. This is not foreseen before the end of the year. A plot is attached to these minutes


  • SPB: 
    • Recabling of many components is currently going on
    • AGIPD has been opened and some electronics are being exchanged
    • Preparations are being made to move AGIPD also to a more downstream position
    • Laser table for bringing the PP laser to the sample has been set up
  • FXE:
    • Cables in the hutch have been re-routed and cleaned up
    • Preparations for the PP laser are well advanced as the Tangerine laser was already brought to the sample


  • Work is going on under pressure as the time available until first laser beam is short
  • 3 Days were lost due to unannounced shut downs of the AC systems. 
  • Both the SPB and the FXE NOPAs are running
  • There are problems with triggering the ADC and hence the timing drift cannot be locked. The problem was reproduced in the lab and fixed. But the fix needs to be transferred to the laser hutch
  • Tests with the machine timing are still outstanding and it seems that there are some resource issues on the DESY side
  • Currently the optical sync system from DESY provides too little power and hence the laser cannot be synchronized by optical X-correlation. For the upcoming run period sync to the RF system will be used. This means that up to ps drifts are to be expected
  • The laser is very sensitive to changes in the humidity. This has been traced to the construction of the laser tables which involves wooden side panels. The problem has been discussed with Newport and the laser tables for SASE2/3 will be modified to avoid this


  • Vacuum XTD10/SASE3:
    • There are currently two leaks in welded beam pipes. The welders are coming on Monday to fix this
    • After the leaks are fixed the MCP can be connected to the vacuum
    • And then finally this entire vacuum section can be closed
    • There are several leaks in the dump area. In particular the V0 valve is leaking and one flange. DESY will exchange V0 next week.
    • The pipe that hit in the vacuum incident in September appears not to be leaking
    • The absorber appears to have been damaged in the September incident and needs to be replaced. The SASE2 absorber could be used
    • Vacuum tests were done for the differential pumping downstream of the gas attenuator
    • Work is still being done one the differential pumping of the Diagnostics group
    • Interlock needs to be set up and tested
    • M. Petrich defined the interlock conditions and sent them to AE. This still needs  to be implemented
    • Cabling was done for the gas attenuator
  • Diagnostics
    • Inhibits for XGMs in in XTD2/9/10 was implemented
    • Loops were successfully rebooted in XTD9
    • A lot of work done on HIREX (camera exchanged, Gotthard connected to Beckhoff and tested)
    • Today repairs will be done on the MCP in XTD2
    • For both MCPs in SASE1/3 additional Beckhoff terminals will be installed
    • Next week focus will be to finish in XTD10 and get plc control of installed devices
    • All 10 imagers in SASE3 were tested. 3 needs fixes/repairs


  • In order to close the loops in SASE3, focus should be given to the most relevant components
  • Component lists were circulated. Please check!
  • Work on KMONO is complete
  • What should happen to the CRL of FXE in XTD2? Statement from A. Galler: Nothing for now as it can be operated for the upcoming user run
  • Work on the instruments is ca 50% done
  • In SASE3 most local test are done
  • It will be tried to get the Vacuum and Motion 1 loop going next week
  • The EPS loop is not so critical


  • The announced GPFS update was postponed several times but will now happen next Monday
  • The DAQ for AGIPD was upgraded (The SW used so far was dating back to May)
  • The time allocated was 3h. The upgrade was done after 1h, so the remaining 2h were used for tests.
  • Longer runs could be taken without major problems
  • People should be aware that during the first three days next week, the detectors cannot be operated due to the GPFS upgrade


  • Planning is being aligned between CAS (H. Sanchez) and PSPO (M. Areste)
  • Progress was made for the laser. The software however will remain at version 2.13 since they do not need DAQ and the scan tool
  • Yesterday version 2.18 was released. It is already deployed for SASE1
  • Note that this version is not complatible with previous GUI clients
  • Next week: Work with AE for SASE3
  • There is no news on the scantool as S. Brockhauser was not present
  • FXE should be updated to 2.18 today
  • The DOOCS/KARABO interface is not considered a priority on the DESY side. They are working on the undulator controls


Attachment 1: Zusammenstellung_Nivellement_Oktober_2017.pdf  155 kB  Uploaded 13 Oct 2017, 15:22  | Hide | Hide all
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