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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 400     Entry time: 09 Oct 2017, 14:00
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 13:30 

Tunnels (J. Eidam, J. Gruenert)

  • SASE3:
    • ​1st section is not recovered yet, ongoing.
    • Diff. pumping XGM is being installed
    • Leak tests ongoing
    • MCP manipulator XTD2: company got the training - repair ongoing 
    • Absorber was moved ==> has to be realigned by MEA
    • A. Koch is commissioning the imagers. Some bugs were found and will be solved with the new release of Karabo.
    • MCP, FEL-Imager: Crates are there, AE still has to understand and define the priorities of their work
    • No access to the tunnels with visitor cards! (Access to tunnels requires rebreather training, knowledge about procedures, warnings, dosimetry etc.)
    • Exchange of gotthard detector in XTD 9 ongoing.
  • SASE1:
    • ​XGM Inihbit system will be brought up tomorrow. VAC loop needs to be brought down . Will be notified with a message in the logbook.


Electronics (P. Gessler)

  • Responsibles
    • SASE1: Bernard Baranasic
    • SASE3: Jan Tolkiehn
    • Instruments SASE1: Tobias Freyermuth
  • Fast valve terminals exchanged today. 
  • Documentation by WP74 + Vacuum is not consistent ==> AE will provide an Excel-sheet to be used, which should give a consistent picture of all terminals, connections etc. Ongoing

ITDM (K. Wrona)

  • Both online & offline-filesystems have to be updated. Postponed to TOMORROW (16.10.): Online-FS will be down, offline-FS will be worked on continuously, should not be down, but at reduced performance, since update will be server by server.
  • DAQ-Upgrade: still running Karabo 2.1.12 on detectors, which requires lots of restarts. UPGRADE: TOMORROW 13==>16 to Karabo v.2.1.16

Software (H. Santos, A. SIlenzi):

  • Karabo 2.1.18 being tested. Test to continue for a couple of days before deployment.
  • S. Brockhauser will report on the status of the scan tool this Friday.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00