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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 398     Entry time: 06 Oct 2017, 11:15
Author: Gerd Wellenreuther 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after Readiness Meeting 

SPB (B. Weinhausen): 

  • Users took good data
  • Problems occured with the DAQ / control system
  • Working on diamond @ beamstop
  • Preparation for several updates / activities regarding AGIPD

FXE (A. Galler):

  • User took good data, analysis is ongoing
  • Will rework cable routing/connections
  • Chiller was moved to the rackroom, redo the connections etc.

Tunnels (M. Dommach, H. Sinn, J. Gruenert)

  • SASE3:
    • ​1st section is not recovered yet, DESY Vacuum has to replace the last valve here, works have not started yet
    • 2nd section with K-Mono, which was vented, is now pumped again.
    • Diff. pumping in gas section has been tested, upcoming are interlock tests
    • Gas attenuator still needs a lot of cabling, cooling water and compressed air
    • Leak test starts
    • MCP has to be connected next week
    • Leak @ absorber: has to be reweld by Trinos, or a blind flange has to put right after the absorber ==> should not hinder the 1st lasing attempt.
    • Absorber was moved ==> has to be realigned by MEA
    • A. Koch is ready to commission several imagers as soon as the motion loop is up&running
    • Next Monday AE, WP74, Vacuum etc. will finalize which components will be implemented in the motion loop during the October shutdown
    • MCP, FEL-Imager: Crates are there, AE still has to understand and define the priorities of their work
    • Repair of MCP: Access to XTD required, WP74 to clarify with SRP.
    • No access to the tunnels with visitor cards! (Access to tunnels requires rebreather training, knowledge about procedures, warnings, dosimetry etc.)
    • Hirex was calibrated @ 9keV, is ready to measure the bandwidth, was determined to be 20eV FWHM

Laser (M. Lederer)

  • NOPA-Alignment progressing
  • Some setbacks due to shutdown activities by MKK, which affected the humidity stability ==> tables bend
  • Laser synchronization has to be implemented by WP18, is questionable, the responsible expert is going on vacation next Friday.
  • Motors seem to move reliably now
  • No process yet to let the users easily change the laser burst pattern via software. Currently, BKR is being informed about our needs, and they "drive" the laser through timing signals from BKR.
  • Laser group will operate in a shift pattern:
    • 8-16h morning shift
    • 15-23h late shift

Detectors (M. Kuster)

  • AGIPD:
    • Decided not to modify the vacuum
    • Working on internal calibration
    • Working on increase of the bias voltage to improve the performance
    • Electronics are being replaced partly
  • LPD:
    • Upgraded the chiller
    • A leak occured due to the increased pressure, since the chiller was put into the rack room ==> pressure reducer is used now
    • Will exchange faulty super-modules
    • Working on the internal calibration
  • Planning next beamtime & shift schedule as laser group has setup
  • There still exists a risk to collide AGIPD-modules, meeting with the AGIPD-consortium to agree on changes for the next detectors
  • Problem with additional frames which had to be taken during data acquisition: pattern upgrade / firmware upgrade required, will not come in October.

Electronics (P. Gessler)

  • Responsibles
    • SASE1: Bernard Baranasic
    • SASE3: Jan Tolkiehn
    • Instruments SASE1: Tobias Freyermuth
  • Lots of updates are required, could all be done in short succession ==> can the beamline be put in an insensitive state, to allow quick series of updates?
  • Documentation by WP74 + Vacuum is not consistent ==> AE will provide an Excel-sheet to be used, which should give a consistent picture of all terminals, connections etc.

ITDM (K. Wrona)

  • Both online & offline-filesystems have to be updated. Monday: Online-FS will be down, offline-FS will be worked on continuously, should not be down, but at reduced performance, since update will be server by server.
  • How should ITDM communicate this to the user? Suggestion: Setup an email-list for users to subscribe to, so those individuals who actually work on the data get the updates, and not every user.
  • Capacity of the offline FS has to be increased
  • DAQ-Upgrade: still running Karabo 2.1.12 on detectors, which requires lots of restarts. Will upgrade to .13 first.
  • Still there is no proper commissioning of the Gotthard. Testing would be appreciated to improve reliability ==> time required from Detector and Instrument

Software (S. Brockhauser):

  • Karabo 2.1.18 to be released today, but not immediately to be installed. To be deployed after PLC upgrades.
  • Karabo + DOOCS: A meeting took place with T. Wilksen (responsible for DOOCS). ==> interface for slow data / digits exists, but not for pipelined data / cameras / images
  • Highest priority of the DOOCS-Team are the SASE3 undulators, which is not in line with the XFEL priorities (improving the stability / reliability of the SASE1 operation)
  • C. Youngman to work on the master equipment list for SASE3
  • A. Galler: Is the current situation really bearable for the instruments, can we actually call this upcoming beamtime "user time"? ==> S.Brockhauser: Lots of problems have been solved, new will arise...
  • A. Galler: Will we be able to do a simple blade scan through a laser beam and get a plot?
    ==> S. Brockhauser: We are working on this. You can have plots showing motor positions, intensity, and then correlate this.
  • H. Sinn: Basically, we still to not have a working scan tool, which is a big drawback. This is one of the very basic functionality every user will expect!

Priorities & Schedule (G. Wellenreuther, H.Sinn):

  • Operation board should decide about updated schedule next week
  • Users & instruments request time to with beam to set up before user time!
  • OCD-contacts for TS were provided (again?)
  • In general, interface to OCD should be harmonized for all groups (e.g. always have a fixed cellphone number)
  • Activities for the shutdown have been gathered by PSPO, and are being provided to the support groups for crosschecking.
  • No major collisions/ bottlenecks appeared apart from the high workload / demand for support by AE and CAS.
  • AE and CAS will crosscheck and provide feedback to PSPO regarding resources & priorities if required.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00