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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 392     Entry time: 29 Sep 2017, 10:43
Author: Gerd Wellenreuther 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after Readiness Meeting 

SPB (A. Mancuso): 


  • Users are in good shape
  • Beam operation with ca. 600 microJ, but beam seems to be ring-shaped after M2?
  • Preparing for first pump&probe experiments in November.
  • Start of the focussing mirror controls should start after the user run

FXE ():

  • Was not present at the beginning of the meeting, so nothing was reported.

Tunnels (M. Dommach):

  • SASE1:
    • Nothing particular.
  • SASE3:
    • ​Preparing for the works in XTD10 during the Oct. shutdown are ongoing.
    • PES: Will just be connected to vacuum & pumped, not functional.

Laser (M. Lederer)

  • Sustained small damage during set-up
  • Not much time left until user run requires PP-laser
  • Issue regarding motors not coming back to their position reliably still persists / is not solved. ==> To be tackled by Gabriele (CAS) + Nerea / Nicola / Janna (AE)

Detectors (P. Lang)

  • Detectors are in operation
  • Works in Oct. shutdown mostly indepenent from other groups
  • LPD & Gotthard run together, but Gotthard has not yet detected X-rays?

Electronics (P. Gessler)

  • Preparing for Oct. shutdown
  • Train-builder should be tested in the Winter shutdown, because the contract only runs until March.

ITDM (K. Wrona)

  •  There are some issues with run-control, being investigated.

Software (S. Brockhauser):

  • Daily meetings with FXE & SPB.
  • C. Youngman is working on the Master Equipment List for SASE3. The basic assumption is to copy any configurations/parameters from SASE1 to SASE3.
  • Focussing now more on the SASE1-issues (e.g. Karabo-DOOCS-Interface ==> will mirror devices from Karabo into DOOCS.)

Priorities & Schedule (T. Tschentscher, G. Wellenreuther):

  • Performance of SASE1 has to be improved, in particular the performance of the accelerator. This has higher priority than continuing building up SASE3 or SASE2.
  • For example, the measurement of gain curves requires the MCP, consequently its completion has highest priority.
  • The control room also needs fast & direct access to more devices than just the XGM to properly tune lasing, consequently the Karabo-DOOCS interface has highest priority.
  • For the overall planning of the next ca. 5 weeks all groups are expected to report back to T. Tschentscher & PSPO until Wednesday next week. PSPO will produce a Gantt-chart of all activities. Template for the feedback will be sent around still today.
  • PSPO is tracking ALL major activities associated in all SASEs in the presentation shown. Missing items to be reported to G. Wellenreuther. Will be revisited on a ca. monthly timescale
  • Planning for the next shutdown in December should commence in early November (= after the upcoming shutdown), to allow for proper planning and preparations.
  • Despite the priority on SASE1, activities in SASE3 and SASE2 should progress. We still would like to attempt to do first lasing in SASE3 before the November user run!
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00