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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 378     Entry time: 06 Sep 2017, 11:04
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status after 0930 meeting 


  • Still working on getting the laser on the sample
  • Commissioning the recently received intensity monitor
  • Work is also ongoing on the Gotthardt detector
  • LPD is still in its own "Topic" but will be moved to the SASE1 "Topic" today


  • Problem developed with one ELMO motor. It was moved to a test crate where it worked
  • All loops were updated to allow slow data integration into DAQ
  • AGIPD running improved significantly in stability after implementing the latest nightly build of KARABO
  • ITDM team has various testing tools operational on the different channels of the detector
  • Charge injection scan was possible for the first time without significant degradation of KARABO response


  • Slow data is now integrated for SPB
  • Request is made for the list of data sources to integrate with FXE


  • PG points out that it was always foreseen that the timestamp/train ID integration would be done in software
  • A HW solution was implemented during his absence to generate train IDs in a  PLC. He considers this to add significant risks.
  • The HW solution will not be implemented in the tunnels to avoid unexpected behaviour during the user run
  • Hence a work around solution needs to be found how to uniquely identify slow tunnel data with train IDs

Discussion about time stamps and train ID

  • The summary of a longer discussion about the subject leads to the following conclusions:
  • Slow tunnel data could be logged via a python script that also stores time stamps and train ids. An integration of this data with the fast data would have to be done offline post mortem
  • Different opinions exist whether the association between time stamps and train ids in the KARABO data logger is unique and compatible with the train ids used in DAQ
  • It is decided that this will be checked now and the result reported during the Friday S1R meeting

Announcement by ITDM

  • The elog will be upgraded this afternoon
  • The online cluster servers will be rebooted this afternoon
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00