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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 370     Entry time: 25 Aug 2017, 13:42
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1/3 Readiness Meeting 


  • T. Haas conveys the congratulations of the management
    • for the achievements in installing and commissioning the AGIPD in SPB
    • for the progress made with installations in XTD10/SASE3
  • There will be a meeting next week in order to determine whether we are ready for "Early User Experiments" in SASE1.  
  • A discussion on what needs to be prepared for this meeting followed with the following conclusions
    • The term "Early User Experiments" needs further qualification in order to establish a well defined scope
    • Instruments and support groups (SPB, FXE, AE, CAS, ITDM, Detectors) should prepare a table with their list of deliverables and the corresponding status, following the model presented by CAS in the talk by H. Santos last week
    • In the wake of the meeting it needs to be communicated to the first scheduled groups what boundary conditions they will most likely encounter


  • The optical signal for laser synchronisation is still missing and not likely to arrive before next week
  • Hence a pump-probe experiment cannot happen before the scheduled "Readiness Meeting" as there will also be no beam on Tuesday and Wednesday
  • It will be difficult to answer the question whether a pump-probe experiment is possible
  • JJ was here this week and installed the intensity monitor


  • Big gate valve between AGIPD and sample chamber was opened for the first time 10 mins ago
  • The liquid jet is running and the differential pumping is working so that proper vacuuum can be maintained
  • Issues remain with the SmarACT stages. Resets are needed at short invervals
  • Availability of "slow" data in the DAQ chain remains the hot topic

Tunnel Installations

  • Work in XTD10 continued through Monday morning
  • Ion pumps and valves are now connected to the PLC. 
  • KARABO control has to wait for CAS resources


  • Issues remain with AC system.
  • The flow rates are way to high and it appears that the system was designed for much higher flows than needed
  • Weiss Klimatechnik is coming on Monday for a discussion
  • Otherwise, installation proceeds and is still on track for laser beam delivery in October


  • A lot of progress was made with the detectors
  • However, time is still needed to take calibration data. This is estimated as one day without beam per detector
  • A reduced rates both detectors can run in parallel for tests. This is not possible for the calibration


  • The encoder bug reported on Wednesday was found and consequently all loops were updated
  • Currently work continues on the SPB SmarACT stages
  • The interface to the MPS system still needs to be set up. This requires an interrupt and testing


  • Several unexpected issues were found in the most recent KARABO release, e. g. there are problems with the time server that still prevent DAQ integration of the slow data
  • This takes a lot of additional time
  • A plan review has now been agreed with both instruments once per week
  • A survey was made on the need for specific DOOCS devices
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00