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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 36     Entry time: 02 Feb 2017, 18:29
Author: Bernard Baranasic 
Location: XTD2 
Severity: Information 
Subject: WP74 components in XTD2 - electrical connections 
Status of WP74 components testing and wiring this week:
On Monday we tested SR Imager and K-Mono:
- issue with motor connect pinouts was discovered and I wanted to correct pinout today, but K-Mono and SR imager motor connectors are Lemo with soldering pins, which make pin changing more difficult than crimp version...
- this is still not done (we can exchange all connectors to crimp version or temporary change pins on crate side).
This week done:
- connected SR imager EPS switch (on the imager - not yet in the crate)
- On XGM Gas Panel is installed new HUBA gauge, and I connected it to the crate (now everything from Gas Panel is connected to Beckhoff terminals in WP73_VAC crate - Rack 1.3).
- FEL imager - EPS switch is connected properly, but Digital Input terminal in WP73 EPS crate - Rack 1.5 is defect (doesn't work at all).
- I placed cable for EPS switches of MCP detector, but not placed in the Rack (Rack needs to be opened - Roxtec feedthrough is closed)
To be done:
- K-Mono - switch pins 1 and 2 on Motor connectors (Y-1, Y2 and X).
- SR imager - switch pins 1 and 2, and switch pins 7 and 8 on all Motor connectors.
- SR imager - EPS switch connect from WP74 crate to WP73_EPS crate (one cable inside crate).
- XGM vacuum to HV crate interlock (inhibit) is still not connected (I am waiting for Beckhoff terminal, but this connection was not tested yet).
- MCP detector - EPS switch cable needs to be laid inside Rack 1.7 (Rack needs to be opened - Roxtec feedthrough is closed).

- MCP detector - vacuum to HV crate interlock (inhibit) needs to be connected - Beckhoff crate is prepared - missing cable from MPOD to Beckhoff terminals.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00