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  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 346     Entry time: 26 Jul 2017, 18:04
Author: Martin Dommach 
Location: XTD9 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Fast valves in XTD9 

Dear all,

the problem with the fast valves XTD9 tripping randomly is still not fully understood but we exchanged the controllers for both valves and they now seem to be stable. The valves are set back to active mode again with 1*10^-6 mbar trigger level while vacuum pressure at the sensors is around 1*10^-8 mbar.

In case one of the valves closes again in the next time you can do the following:
1. check the ion pump pressure in the beamline to make sure that it’s not a real event (they should be in 10^-8 mbar range or better)
2. If it’s not a real vacuum inrush you can open the valve by pressing “Open" button followed by the “Reset” button (SPB: Karabo scene SA1_XTD2_VAC/V11030F or for FXE: SA1_XTD2_VAC/V12030F )
3. Open the adjacent gate valves which were triggered by the vacuum interlock and continue with beam operation
4. Please inform the vacuum group (
If opening the valve again does not help because it trips to often, the fast valve can be disabled:
1. Open the valve by pressing “Open” button
2. When the valve is open again, switch off the high voltage of both sensors
3. Please inform the vacuum group (
Best regards,
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00