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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 341     Entry time: 24 Jul 2017, 10:07
Author: Frederike Wittmaack 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE 1/3 Readiness Meeting 

General (T. Tschentscher/G. Wellenreuther)

  • Further tuning of the machine might require some time which was initially dedicated to photon/experiment commissioning.
  • Since Harald Sinn will be on vacation: If you need any kind of access please address T. Tschentscher or M. Dommach. TT will organize coordination of groups requiring access to the tunnels vs. requirements of the machine vs. the demand of the instruments for commissioning.
  • Lasing with 30 bunches was achieved this week. Consequently the radiation protection measurements have to be undertaken as soon as possible.

FXE (C. Bressler)

  • yesterday no beam at all
  • attenuators are being tested
  • all hardware installed

SPB (R. Bean/A. Mancuso)

  • Implementation of loops required for focal characterization — mainly loops 12 and 13. Also loops required for vacuum interlock.
  • Still more loops required to be brought up—working with AE down a clear priority list.
  • Clear plan for AGIPD to come to SPB/SFX instrument. Requires DAQ and more.
  • CAS reacted quickly to undesirable behavior (freezing) in Karabo, which is now largely solved.

Tunnel Installations SASE3 (J. Eidam, L. Samoylova, N. Kujala)

  • SASE3: No access – no progress
  • SASE2: work as planned is ongoing
  • SASE1: There are still issues with the fast valve.
  • During this and last week maintenance days, the Newton PICO motors of FXE monochromator were successfully tested in the tunnel together with Nicola. All four motors for crystal roll and pitch can be moved in vacuum. However a slow motion, necessary for fine tuning, seems still not available. Further motor parameters adjustment is needed, which will be done in the lab with test environment.
  • To fulfill the technical commissioning and make the FXE mono available for photon commissioning and operation, the firmware for Alio linear stage should be created. The work is on-going. May be available for tests before mid-August, but the schedule and priorities should be clarified.
  • Status of HIREX spectrometer in XTD9 tunnel: The HIREX saw FEL beam for the first time yesterday. All motors were commissioned with Karabo software and ready for commissioning with FEL beam. It is in discussion with SPB and FXE to have parasitic beam for commissioning in the coming week.

Laser (Daniel Kane)

  • The pump-probe laser group reported that, with the stabilization of the AC system, we are now continuing with production of the laser system. We are still missing the functionality some components of our control system, but we have enough at the moment that it is not an impediment to us building the laser for now, however it is something that needs keeping an eye on.

Detectors (J. Sztuk-Dambietz)

  • LPD: K. Wrona reported that they could observe on all channels but they are still working on storing the data. Loss of device settings induced by glitches in Karabo cost a lot of time to overcome.
  • AGIPD: ten out of 16 modules have been successfully tested but there is still a lot of work to do; still testing procedures and electronics, etc. before AGIPD is moving  in to SPB in August

AE (P. Gessler)

  • Focus is on loop 12 this week, continued to get remaining parts for loop 12 running
  • The firmware based interlock for FXE was implemented, certain conditions are disabled but otherwise it is running.
  • Plans for shut down week of SASE3 in tunnel in August are currently being made

CAS (S. Brockhauser)

  • As reported previously, a release candidate for 2.1.13 has been prepared last Friday
  • During the last week-end CAS could systematically reproduce the GUI delay problem SPB was reporting
  • In the beginning of the week CAS could identify the source of the GUI delay issue (which was in an old code of the GUI client and got triggered only under special circumstances) and fix it.
  • Solution was patched into the new 2.1.13 release resulting in a new release candidate which CAS finished testing now.
  • Note that the new release will also fix most of the annoying issues (especially the configuration persistence problems) experienced recently during LDP integration to FXE
  • As soon as the new release becomes finalized its deployment in the different production systems will be done under CAS coordination after consulting with all relevant WPs involved.
  • The newly introduced quick release cycles with the attached deployment process (as shown on the meeting last week) will help provide access to improved releases while guaranteeing that no surprises and irreversible regressions apply.
  • On the ScanTool thread opened by Christian: CAS has started to design a ScanTool around the SRD from SPB which is now being crosschecked against requirements coming from others, too, like FXE, before starting its implementation.
  • Thomas, Gerd, and Harald suggested to disseminate its design, so others can also give feedback. Hence, we agreed, that Sandor Brockhauser provide this information and organize a meeting next week.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00