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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 30     Entry time: 01 Feb 2017, 17:26
Author: Jan Grünert 
Location: XTD2 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status of several XTD2 wiring tasks - on behalf of Bernard Baranasic 
Dear all,


today I connected XGM Gas Supply to Beckhoff terminals in WP73 Vacuum crate in Rack 1.3.
On Gas Panel, HUBA gauge is still not replaced, so it is not connected, I talked to Florian yesterday and give him an idea how we can connect this gauge and other signals for Gebäudeleittechnik (trough wago terminals).
Next step for this crate should be connection to all pump controllers and other vacuum equipment, after this crate should be connected to the tunnel vacuum loop. I assume that Torben and Marc can do this together with AE and Vacuum group, so I didn't take any actions...


Additionally in this crate we should connect Inhibit signal from HV iseg crate, for this we need to add:
Proposal from NC:
"I did not test it, to 'create' a TTL we can use either
es9505+es2624 or es9505+es2124
the only difference is that the ES2124 is short-circuit proof, the ES2624  is not, that means that in this case a Flink fuse ~0.3A-0.5A should be inserted."
- WP74 don't have these terminal here and if we order now it will take some time (I am not sure what to do because we don't have proven connection).


In Rack 1.7 I connected Inhibit connection to WP73 vacuum crate (terminals EL9505 & EL2624), but cable from MPOD crate to Beckhoff crate is still not there. Torben said that he has connectors so I believe he can connect according to electrical drawings (these pages are added to XTD2 MCP drawings on Alfresco)


In Rack 1.5 I tested FEL imager EPS switch and find out that Beckhoff terminal DI (ES1008) is not working (24V is on input, but there is no light on LED, all channels are the same).
EPS switch is removed From FEL imager, and I will reconnect it to Normal Open connection.


Best Regards,


Bernard Baranasic

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00