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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 287     Entry time: 12 Jun 2017, 10:55
Author: Monica Aresté 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Readiness Meeting 

Tunnel's schedule:

  • Monday 12th June:  XTD10 closed, XTD9 open
  • Tuesday 13th June: from 7:00 to 15:00 all open.
  • There is a request to have a unique place with updated information when the tunnels are open/closed, PSPO is working to set a place in the intranet and will inform as soon as this will be agreed.


  • Cable reparations on OPT hutch on going, FXE will follow.
  • WLAN access at the end of XTD9 is not very good and not sufficient for testing cameras, e. g. in PBLMs. ITDM re-cabled some ports and provided office network port in rack 1.17 that could be used to commission the cameras. According to Liuba it worked well.
  • From 08/06/2017 the ITDM group provides the OCD service. The general principle is that the 1st level support is provided by CAS group and in case they cannot solve the ITDM related issue they call us. The phone number for ITDM OCD is: 98070 or directly +49 175 9814494. There is a single number for 3 mobile phones so the number is valid independent on the person providing OCD.


  • Motion loop updated twice during last week, but there is still a feature to be fixed.
  • There has been a modification of the interlock conditions by RAUL for the gas section. Already implemented and working.


  • There is a mistake in the channel assignment of the Ion pump controllers, modules BKF00074 and BKF00096 modified. Bug with the ion pump controllers still not corrected, AE and CAS are working on that.
  • Acceptance test for CRL is done, final parameters settled down, next step is to test CRL with PLC.
  • Loop 8 already deployed but still not working. This loop is low priority.
  • Radiation safety measurements are the first priority for this wwek in FXE.


  • Currently there is no working version of Karabo for SPB (Fixes were implemented that broke base functionality)
  • EET is working to generate the exports for loops 7 and 12. Export for loop 7 will take longer than expected acc. to last info from EET.
  • All motors in loop 1 are working.
  • In loop2 one module is being reworked by AE, still on going.
  • Firmware for Loop 3 is available.
  • SPB is also affected by the problem with the Ion pumps, modules BKF00056, 00057 affected. AE working to solve this issue.


  • After PLC cycling the Beckhoff terminals loose the proper parameter set. AE working on that issue but need some additional information from Laser group.
  • There is a mismatch beween the motors and the control, AE will check if it ia a firmware or hardware problem.


  • Deployment of KARABO version 2.1.12 was deployed to FXE on Friday. The new version is deployed but not activated since there are some issues to fix.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00