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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 284     Entry time: 09 Jun 2017, 12:41
Author: Monica Aresté 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Readiness Meeting 


  • E. Boyd presents a summary of the next tasks for the radiation measurements for hutch commissioning. There are some dates (13th and 20th June) that safety needs exclusively access to the hutches. Safety will be in close contact with Instruments to agree the dates.
  • Tests are finished in SPB Optics (40 connectors to be replaced) and continue now in FXE.
  • There is an interference of connector replacement and tests of the interlock. If Instruments grant exclusively access for the Interlock works, this has to communicate to PSPO to inform company JOWO that is working in the cable reparations.
  • Starting this week, new messages in the elog appear not to be sent to all registered user. The system unsuscribed automatically from one elog when you suscribe to a new one. IT has already fixed this problem.
  • WLAN access at the end of XTD9 is not very good and not sufficient for testing cameras, e. g. in PBLMs


  • Motion loop updated twice during this week, but there is still an issue with Elmo limits. AE will first test a solution and decide if a new update is necessary.
  • PBLM tests with Mahadi and Natalia shall start after motion loop update.
  • There has been a modification of the interlock conditions by RAUL for the gas section. This needs to be carefully checked.
  • There is a request to improve the information when the tunnels are open/close, now it takes too much time to find the information in the elog. Suggested to have a unique place with the information up-to-date.


  • There is a mistake in the channel assignment of the Ion pump controllers, modules BKF00074 and BKF00096 will be modified today. Moreover firmware for loops 1 and 2 have to be updated.
  • JJ XRay is here this week, acceptance test for CRL is done. Work will continue with von Hamos Spectrometer
  • The LPD 2-tile system brought into the hutch to test the controls.
  • Loop 8 already deployed.
  • Interlock defintion for FXE is done.


  • Currently there is no working version of Karabo for SPB (Fixes were implemented that broke base functionality)
  • EET is working to generate the exports for loops 7 and 12.
  • There are still some mismatches in the connectors of 11 cables, A. Legrand working with Actemium to fix the problems.
  • In loop2 one module is being reworked by AE.
  • SPB is also affected by the problem with the Ion pumps, AE to figure out which modules have to be reworked.


  • The humidity in the hutch is down to 50%, but still oscillates
  • AE is fixing connectors with water problems
  • After PLC cycling the Beckhoff terminals loose the proper parameter set. AE working on that issue but need soe additional information.
  • There is a mismatch beween the motors and trthe control, AE will check if it a firmware or hardware problem.


  • LPD test working succesfully, waiting when FXE hutch will be ready to move the LPD. Radiation protection has to be finished before to move the detector.


  • Deployment of KARABO version 2.1.12 will be deployed today to FXE. D. Goeries shows a presentation with a description of improvements in the new version.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00