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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 279     Entry time: 07 Jun 2017, 11:43
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and plans after SASE1 Readiness Meeting 


  • Technicians from Actemium/JOWO arrived and found that a lot more connectors than originally estimated need to be replaced
  • Tests are finished in SPB Optics (40 connectors to be replaced) and continue now in FXE 
  • Replacing connectors starts tomorrow with 3 technicians and should take 45 minutes per connector 
  • There is an interference of connector replacement and tests of the interlock. This needs to be resolved.
  • Starting this week, new messages in the elog appear not to be sent to all registered users. (Info from J. Szuba: Some users intentionally or unintentionally un-subscribed)
  • WLAN access at the end of XTD9 is not very good and not sufficient for testing cameras, e. g. in PBLMs


  • On the weekend the broker queue filled up. This was fixed using "extreme measures". This led to V0 closing and  BKR crew was not aware of the state of V0. It is the opinion of the experts that the BKR crew could have known but were not fully informed where to look
  • The motion loop was updated yesterday for PBLM tests. But the update was not complete and will be redone today before 12:00
  • PBLM tests with Mahadi and Natalia shall start after motion loop update
  • XTD9 will be closed on Thursday (not confirmed)
  • There has been a modification of the interlock conditions by RAUL for the gas section. This needs to be carefully checked.


  • Communication is now possible with the ion pump controllers but there is still an error message from the controller that cannot be interpreted. The manufacturer of the ion pumps (AGILENT) has been contacted
  • JJ XRay is here this week. They work on the patch boxes for the CRLs and the von Hamos Spectrometer
  • The LPD 2-tile system will be brought into the hutch today to test the controls
  • Commissioning on motors continues


  • Currently there is no working version of Karabo for SPB (Fixes were implemented that broke base functionality)
  • Loops 7 & 12 have not connectors affected by water and could be commissioned. AE was informed to provide firmware


  • The humidity in the hutch is down to 50%, but still oscillates
  • AE is fixing connectors with water problems
  • After PLC cycling the Beckhoff terminals loose the proper parameter set. This issue needs attention.


  • Deployment of next KARABO version is postponed until the new version switching method is sufficiently tests. H. Sinn points out that this version (2.1.12) contains many urgent fixes and is needed asap.
  • The incident on the weekend showed again the need for the consolidated list of mandatory devices. This is being worked on 
  • The bug where the gui server looses track of the state of the system is still not fixed! If it occurs inform CAS immediately


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00