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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 260     Entry time: 22 May 2017, 13:31
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and Plans after 09:30 Meeting 
  • No break this week on Wednesday. (Wednesday breaks for XTD10 should start next week)
  • Possibility of ZZ access to XTDs on Tuesday from 0700 - 1500. Harald organises the access for vacuum and
    diagnostics. No ZZ without previous experience
  • Expect XTD9 to close next week.

- SR imager crashed several times on the weekend. D. Görries spent a lot of time investigating and found that
when the configuration of the camera is set to mono-8 it runs stably. This indicates that there is a network
bandwidth issue
- D. Görries also had to restart the KARABO server for the MCP. One motor was working but the other one had
hardware problem and requires an access to the tunnel
- Tests for ELMO motor on PBLMs this week by Mahadi and A. Silenzi. N. Gerassimova is on holidays but agreed to
the test
- A. Parenti would like to deploy SW with added debugging functionality for imagers

- A. Galler and W. Gawelda are not available this week
- D. Görries reports that there are still problems with controlling the vacuum, I. e. gauges, pumps, valves,
fast valve. Some are related to cabling problems that are currently being fixed
- A firmware upgrade is requested for the commissioning crate. Will be discussed in detail with AE

- Work by AE on AGIPD for this week was called off as detector consortium wants to work on the hardware
- AE will concentrate on commissioning loops 1&2 for the optics hutch
- Firmware for loops 1&2 needs to be first regenerated
- All cabling problems should be solved by tonight
- All crates can then be pushed in
- All cables should be done except for 4 or 5 in the instrument hutch


- The bug that results in devices not updating in the GUI server still persists
- Users are requested to inform A. Silenzi as soon as they discover this behaviour

Plan for the next days
- Start with SPB optics hutch
- Update firmware of FXE commissioning crate
- Test ELmo motor in XTD9
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00