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Entry   XTD2 Differential Pumping completely OUT OF OPERATION!, posted by Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero on 27 Apr 2017, 07:04 
    Reply   XTD2 Differential Pumping completely OUT OF OPERATION!, posted by Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero on 27 Apr 2017, 07:11 
Message ID: 180     Entry time: 27 Apr 2017, 07:04     Reply to this: 181
Author: Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero 
Location: XTD2 
Severity: Problem 
Subject: XTD2 Differential Pumping completely OUT OF OPERATION! 

 Dear all,


I just checked the Karabo Scene for both XTD9 and XTD9, finding out the not-so-nice situation where all the valves and pumps were respectively closed and stopped. What really worries me is again the fact that these situations are happening without aparent reason. I´m right now trying to start the system remotely but obviously one needs again to access the tunnel for that is the only reason to actually be sure that everything is up an running normally again.



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00