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  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 179     Entry time: 26 Apr 2017, 19:21
Author: Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero 
Location: XTD9 
Severity: Feedback 
Subject: XTD9 Complete Gas Section (DPS-XGM-DPS) Isolation Interlock tested - SUCCESFUL 

 Dear all,

Finally the tests were run with the expected results: Pressure thresholds for the 3 involved gauges were forced on the system and the interlock on the two gate valves that limit the whole gas section were automatically closed in every case. Also the release switch was tested and the valves were able to be normally operated again.

However the interlock definition also involves the closing of the so-called "shut-off" valve in the gas injection line at the XGM. Unfortunately its behaviour couldn´t be completely observed since the Karabo device is not fully implemented. On the other hand, J. Grünert reported that after the interlock was triggered the valve was shown as also "interlocked" (despite the actual status, open or closed was not clear). This situation may require a second test, combined for instance with the gas injection test to be run by WP74 in the upcoming date). 

In any case the final results were rather positive. (despite there still some permanent uncertainty about devices being reachable or not through Karabo, as it has been previously reported).


Thanks to everyone involved.


Raúl Villanueva on behalf of B. Rio, N. Jardon and V. Bondar.



ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00