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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 174     Entry time: 26 Apr 2017, 11:55
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and Plans after the 9:30 meeting 


XTDs Info:

Tunnel XTD2 will be accessible this Thursday (TUNNEL OPEN, NO ZZ), 27.04. between 9 and 12. Dosimeter and General radiation training required. Access requests should go to T.Haas.

XTD10 will be closed starting from this Thursday, 27.04. at 12:00

Provided that the authorities give the "go ahead", DESY plans to put beam in XTD2 on Thursday evening.

Access to XSDU2 being clarified - separate entry will be posted.


  • System running  but performance of the GUI still sluggish - CAS was not able to reproduce the problem, still under investigation
  • Second server has been set up as workaround.
  • In parallel experts are working on a definitive solution
  • Deployment today on a new beckhoff device for the decodification of PLC and interlock error messages. 


  • Systematic tests of ion pumps ongoing. in XTD 9 two controllers/beckhoff terminal for pumps were wrongly connected (exchanged). To reconnect the controllers in the right orders the loop has to be interrupted. This will be done after the vacuum test on the XGM is done.

PBLM/Motion Loop: 

  • There is a resource problem when trying to read out the cameras. This problem will be reconsidered once the general issue with the GUI server is solved.
  • ASilenzi will discuss offilen with Natalia the acceptance test definition for PBLM
  • List of errors and relative solution concerning ELMO absolute encoder implementation being worked out by AE/CAS

SPB Tunnel components

  • Error message fore the Renishaw encoders is coming from wrond specifics of the interpolator between encoder and input terminal. This is due to wrong datasheet provided by the company. This is not a problem for reading of the encoders and their reliability. Error signal is currently ingnored
  • The same problem also affects FXE components
  • The cameras operated at 1Hz deliver delayed images. 1/3 Hz operation (almost live mode) is OK - probably related to GUI memory issues


  • Encoders of Loop1 have the same error message as SPB - the encoder positions are reliable - local components test can go on (e.g. OGT1)
  • Encoders of loop2 are not powered - AE to investigate today


Tasks for today:

  • XGM vacuum test and solution implementation of pump restart in Karabo
  • GUI server resource problem ongoing
  • Deployment of a beckhoff device for the decodification of the error messages.
  • Find a solution for the Renishaw encoder problem SPB Tunnel/ FXE Loop1
  • Investigation of the FXE Loop2 encoders power
  • Continue testing of ion pumps in XTD9
  • Vacuum signal alarms to be checked by AE,Harlad, Janni
  • Implement and test the CRLs in XTD2 in the Beckhof loop for test.

Tasks for tomorrow:

  • Vacuum signal alarms to be checked by AE,Harlad, Janni
  • Implement and test the CRLs in XTD2 in the Beckhof loop for test.
  • Checking of the absober for first lasing (inc. filter chamber). 
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00