XTDs Info:
Tunnel XTD2 will be accessible this Thursday, 27.04. between 9 and 12. Dosimeter and General radiation training required. Access requests should go to T.Haas.
XTD10 will be closed starting from this Thursday, 27.04. at 12:00
Provided that the authorities give the "go ahead", DESY plans to put beam in XTD2 on Thursday's evening.
- System running but performance of the GUI still sluggish
- There appears to be a resource leak. Second server will be set up tomorrow as workaround. Experts are working on it.
- In parallel experts are working on a definitive solution
- Deployment today on a new beckhoff device for the decodification of PLC error messages.
- Systematic tests of ion pumps started again
PBLM/Motion Loop:
- There is a resource problem when trying to read out the cameras. This problem will be reconsidered once the general issue with the GUI server is solved.
- ASilenzi will ask Natalia for acceptance test definition for PBLM
- Motion loop will be down until 10:30 for update. An entry will be written when the loop is again up.
SPB Tunnel components
- The Renishaw encoders can be read and positions are reliable. An error message is coming from the encoder and is probably due to a wrong voltage level delivered to the encoder. The encoders can be operated in this condition.
- T. Freyermuth is in contact with the encoder company tu understand the problem and work on a fix
- The same problem also affects FXE components
- The cameras operated at 1Hz deliver delayed images. 1/3 Hz operation (almost live mode) is OK - probably related to GUI memory issues
- Encoders of Loop1 have the same error message as SPB - the encoder positions are reliable - local components test can go on (e.g. OGT1)
- Encoders of loop2 are not powered - AE to investigate
Tasks for today:
- Identify a fix/workaround for the GUI server resource problem
- Deployment of a beckhoff device for the decodification of the error messages.
- Find a solution for the Renishaw encoder problem SPB Tunnel/ FXE Loop1
- Investigation of the FXE Loop2 encoders power
- Continue testing of ion pumps in XTD9
- Test of gas section interlock in XTD9
Tasks for tomorrow:
- Setup of the second server for karabo GUI