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Entry   FAILED - Interlock test of the whole gas section in XTD9 - NOT SUCCESSFUL, posted by Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero on 21 Apr 2017, 12:28 
    Reply   FAILED - Interlock test of the whole gas section in XTD9 - NOT SUCCESSFUL, posted by Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero on 21 Apr 2017, 13:23 
       Reply   FAILED - Interlock test of the whole gas section in XTD9 - NOT SUCCESSFUL, posted by Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero on 21 Apr 2017, 13:35 
Message ID: 158     Entry time: 21 Apr 2017, 13:35     In reply to: 157
Author: Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero 
Location: XTD9 
Severity: Problem 
Subject: FAILED - Interlock test of the whole gas section in XTD9 - NOT SUCCESSFUL 

Raúl Villanueva-Guerrero wrote:

Raúl Villanueva-Guerrero wrote:

 Due to problems and lack of support of CAS for accessing the devices in XTD9 tunnel through KARABO we couldn´t run the test. The system has been returned to manual operation and will remain like that until next notice.



As soon we received the request we worked on that one.  After analysing the issue proper response was sent.

​​​----- Forwarded Message -----

​​​​From: "Wajid Ehsan" <>

To: "Raul Villanueva" <>

Cc: "Alessandro Silenzi" <>, "Nerea Jardon" <>

Sent: Friday, 21 April, 2017 12:56:14

Subject: Re: Karabo problems in XTD9 - Urgent!

​​​​​Hi Rahul,

we checked all the devices that are in error. The issue is realted with hardware.

Error description is mentioned below:

0x1001 FlagCtrl Error flag from controller


Wajid Ehsan 



Here is the list of devices that are in error:

SA1_XTD9_VAC/VALVE/V11090A  Error 3 -> valve stayed between open and closed for too long time (3s set on the valve) (the reset command is sent to the PLC and it cannot clear the error)
SA1_XTD9_VAC/VALVE/V11100A  Error 3 -> valve stayed between open and closed for too long time (3s set on the valve)
SA1_XTD9_VAC/VALVE/V11110A  Error 3 -> valve stayed between open and closed for too long time (3s set on the valve)
SA1_XTD9_VAC/TPUMP/P11220T Error 0x1001 -> err_FlagCtrl -> Error flag from controller (need manual reset on the controller) after reset error is now cleared.
SA1_XTD9_VAC/TPUMP/P11280T Error 0x1001 -> err_FlagCtrl -> Error flag from controller (need manual reset on the controller) after reset error is now cleared.
SA1_XTD9_VAC/VALVE/V11210G Error 0x10001 ->  _err_InterlockDevNotFound  -> Interlock device not found. (the valves depends from a SA1_XTD9_VAC/SWITCH/DP_XGM_DP_ERROR which does not exist. a SA1_XTD9_VAC/SWITCH/DP_XGM_DP_OK is present in the list though, likely a PLC configuration error).
SA1_XTD9_VAC/VALVE/V11220G Error 0x10001 -> _err_InterlockDevNotFound -> Interlock device not found.

For the last 2 errors, which are the only one that have a clear PLC problem, I created a bug report in the redmine project of AE.


Alessandro Silenzi

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00