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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 148     Entry time: 18 Apr 2017, 13:06
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status and Plans after 09:30 meeting 

XTD Tunnels open until 15:00. Later XTD2 and XTD4 are closed, XTD9/10 remain open

Vacuum Loop:


  • One broken Beckhoff terminal was exchanged before the weekend. This was the first failure of this type in 2 years
  • After this the system ran without hickup over the Easter weekend
  • The fix applied for ion pumps that avoids triggering an interlock condition when there is a communication failure on the serial output should be also applied now to other vacuum device, e. g. the turbo pumps


EPS Loop:


  • Requires an update to be done asap so that N. Gerassimova can continue tests with the PBLMs afterwards

Motion Loop:


  • Movement of the PBLM motors (ELMO controller) is not satisfactory yet. Motors start and stop but the movement is uneven and stops not always requested
  • There is no test set up in the lab. So tests have to be done in the tunnels (XTD9)


  • All systems in XTD2 were tested and cameras calibrated including some at the beginning of XTD9
  • Work continues on remaining systems in XTD9
  • System with motor movement is still unsatisfactory (see above)



  • 2 Imagers in XTD2 have no trigger signal. Suspicion is that this might be configuration problem. P. Gessler will investigate
  • One pop-in (245) in XTD9 cannot be reached with IP. Suspicion is incorrect network configuration -> K. Fillipakopoulos

SPB Tunnel components

  • Signal pins of the Attenuator crate were tested. DC voltage is seen there at different levels on different pins. This looks problematic -> P. Gessler



  • Ran stably over the weekend 

Tasks for today:

Note: All loops should be left running and no changes to Karabo.

  • Take equipment and junk out of tunnels
  • Check trigger cabling for imagers in XTD2
  • Check PBLM motor movement and continue testing in XTD9

Other topics

  • Controlled access to tunnels is possible after 1500. Coordination with T. Haas and the DESY run coordination


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00