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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 123     Entry time: 10 Apr 2017, 10:47
Author: Tobias Haas 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Schedule after 09:30 Meeting 

Tunnel Open.



  • Both mirrors M1 & M2 installed
  • Vacuum being closed in M2 today should be ready for ion pumps tomorrow
  • Surveying work going on (see email by M. Schlösser below)

Vacuum Loop:


  • Needs reconfig for XGM in XTD9
  • Interlock tests on XGM in XTD2 should go on. 
  • 2 Turbopumps still have a communication problem (J. Tolkiehn is working on this)
  • 6 Ion pumps in XTD9 still have communication problems (list was given by AS to JE)
  • Systematic testing according to the list by J. Eidam with V. Bondar starting this afternoon

EPS Loop:


  • One terminal needs to be exchanged for FEL Imager 
  • Description of EPS interlock still missing. It is planned to start with just one imager in for first beam commissioning
  • One fiber connection from Balcony room to DESY still to be done by DESY. AFter this testing of communication should start

Motion Loop:


  • Quick fix for motors not stopping was deployed on Friday. Now TF is working on a better fix to be deployed this evening



  • EPS switch on FEL imager should be checked after exchange of terminal
  • Photonics camera driver still not working but not critical for tunnel closure
  • Work should now concentrate on SR imager



  • New version with TCP fix needs to be deployed. This should also be done to the local software run by users.


Tasks for today:


Note: Loop reconfiguration and updates of Karabo to be done in the morning. Testing can resume after lunch. Status updates should please be recorded in the log

  • Reconfigure vacuum and motion loops (updates for XGM interlock, motors not stopping)
  • Replace broken terminal in EPS loop for FEL imager 
  • Continue test XGM interlocks (N. Jardon, M. Planas, T. Matsopoulos)
  • Go through systematic test of the vacuum components (J. Eidam, V. Bondar)
  • Continue tests with PBLM in the tunnels (M. Jidda)
  • Test motion system of the imagers in the tunnels (A. Koch and W. Ehsan)
  • Monitor stability and responsiveness of GUI Server and Log Servers (A. Silenzi)
  • Set up monitoring of temperatures and pressures overnight (A. Silenzi)
  • Test communication between XFEL and DESY MPS once fiber connection from Balcony rooms to MPS is available (B. Fernandes)

Tasks for tomorrow:

  • Put XGM into the vacuum interlock
  • Continues testing of all interlock conditions for the vacuum

Other topics

  • Surveying is going on for mirror chambers M1 and M2 in XTD2
  • We need a well defined startup configuration of PLC, Karabo, Parameters, List of devices (A. Silenzi)

Email by M. Schlösser re alignment

Hi Tobias, hi Markus, Hi Winni,

Tobias, we discussed briefly the schedule for the T9 and T10 beamlines for the next few days, when we met in the tunnel yesterday.

From what i understand it is impossible to finish T10 until April 11th from the alignment and vacuum side. And probably more important, this also holds true for T9. There is at least one major problem with the alignment of the mirror chambers of T9 in XTD2, which will need some additional days to solve.
From my understanding at least the T9 beamline should be closed and aligned before putting SASE1 in operation. While it will of course be possible to send electrons down to the XSDU2 dump, it will not be possible to send photons to the experimental hall with the current state of the beamline.

Since it is not possible to work in XTD10 while the SASE1 electron beamline is in operation, i would propose to also finish this beamline before SASE1 electron startup. Since there is major work to do in XTD10 to finish the beamline, there is no hope to  do the remaining work during maintenance days. Finishing the beamline would require a major shutdown of the SASE1 branch later.

Since there will be no alternative to send the beam to (e.g. SASE2) for the next year (?), it does not make sense to stop work in XTD10 now, just to continue later then, without any overall benefit for the machine.

Of course i don't have a complete overview of all the machine schedule, but from my point of view it would make more sense to finish work in the northern branch, at least to align all components and to close the vacuum system, even if that means some more weeks before the SASE1 startup.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00