SPB/SFX 7955 Day 2
**X-ray delivery**
* up to 202 pulses per train (~1.4 mJ pulse energy), 0.5 MHz.
* A few beam downs toward the end of the shift
**Optical laser delivery**
* 420nm used for sample excitation. timed to 1ps with water jet interaction
* x-ray beam de-focused to a few um for data taking
* PP laser aligned and timed
* runs for 1ps pumped data set
* good peak distribution at 11% transmission (100 CVD/ 200 CVD / None / 3200 CVD)
* hit rate better than previous day
* a lot of nozzle exchange
* sample most likely accumulating on the catcher entrance window
* DAMNIT issue with too many queued jobs, fixed by Oleksii (OCD)
**To do for next shift**
* finish power titration and continue with other time points |