Preparation for user expt #7944
X-ray delivery
- since pulses (10 Hz) at 9.3 keV, 3 mJ
- Pointing stability 55 um RMS in the horizontal plane on FXE PI, which is lower as compared to earlier values
- Aligned xrays into FXE vacuum/cryo setup
- Performed ice depositions in-situ and characterized by Xray
- Beam transport to SPB and 11 keV recovered
- We left Hirex inserted during FXE operation, but closed the GH2 shutter. It is still closed.
- XTD2 crl lens3x motor moving in wrong direction and already past all limits. Created ticket with EEE (no DOC available) #216784. Lens3x is not needed for the ongoing experiment, but the situation is potentially dangerous.