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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 85     Entry time: 20 Apr 2024, 23:58
Author: Jan Gruenert 
Group: PRC 
Subject: SA2 status 

20.4.2024 / 22h51:
DOC informed PRC that the SASE2 topic broker had to be restarted.
The EPS power limit was reset by PRC to the previous value of 40 W.

DOC and DRC are working on the restart. HED is in hardware setup configuration change (not currently taking beam, thus no harm to experiment),
will start taking beam with new users sunday 7am, but would need before this some test runs for the detectors. 

Currently the SA2 topic watchdogs (for ATT, CRL, imagers) cannot be restarted - they crash quickly after restarting.
DOC/DRC are investigating this issue. Until the watchdogs are successfully restarted, extra care must be taken when using ATT, CRL, imagers in SA2.

Update 21.4.2024 / 1h43 by DRC:
In a similar fashion to the incident of last 5.04, the Broker process for the SA2 and LA2 topic has restarted.
This was noticed by the DOC crew and by the HED crew in parallel.
With the help of the CTRL OCD (Micheal Smith) we restarted both topics. As a lesson learned from the last interruption, the POWER_LIMIT
middlelayer device has been set up by the PRC, so that when the DOOCS bridges will be restarted by the DESY-MCS personnel,
the maximum power will not be set to 0.
Please check in due time if all systems are working as intended.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00