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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 8     Entry time: 02 Feb 2024, 00:04
Author: Romain Letrun 
Group: SPB 
Subject: Shift summary 

X-ray delivery

  • 1-352 pulses at 10 keV, 1200 - 400 uJ.
  • Significant pulse energy slope within the train. Action on the kickers was eventually performed leading to some reduction of the slope, though remaining still far from ideal. Decision to take the action took a very long time (2.5 hours).
  • Several beam delivery interruptions through the afternoon due to trips of A16 before is was taken off beam.
  • At 21:29:20, the number of bunches in SASE1 was changed from 1 to 352 without intervention of the SPB/SFX shift crew resulting in the destruction of a sample (see elog:7).

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1-113 pulses at 564 kHz.
  • Brief intensity and spectral fluctuations as already observed in the past with non-optimal AMPHOS regulation. Detail will be communicated to LAS.


  • Measured flat fields for AGIPD for all remaining configurations.
  • Confirmed timing of JUNGFRAU.
  • Established pump-probe timing at IRDa.


  • Several issues with AGIPD controls: timeout when trying to stop sending data, two hemispheres in different states, etc. Experts informed.
  • Destruction of the sample following number of pulses incident in the evening caused a considerable loss of time to replace the sample and resume operation.
  • XTD2 500 um Si is damaged (leftover from last run).
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00