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OPERATION-2024 OPERATION-2023 OPERATION-2022 OPERATION-2021 OPERATION-2020 OPERATION-2019 SASE1-2018 SASE1-2017 Experiment data
  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 66     Entry time: 29 Mar 2024, 22:38
Author: Chan Kim 
Group: SPB 
Subject: Shift summary 

X-ray delivery
- 12.72 keV, 10Hz, ~1.4 mJ/pulse, stable delivery 

Optical laser delivery
- 487 nm ns laser for pump-probe
- 800 nm PP laser for jet illumination, stable delivery

- AGIPD BG optimized (DiffPump realigned)
- IRDA focus optimized (EHC_CRL arm10 (1mm pinhole) inserted)
- Completed dark state measurement of the main sample (more than 4 hours of measurement time)
- Collected PP (pump-probe) dataset with 5 us time delay (about 3 hours of measurement time; Jet was quite stable during the 3 hrs measurement)

- AGIPD module Q3M2 was not healthy. After another power cycle, it recovered.
- X-ray pulse energy was relatively low in the beginning of the shift. It was partially recovered after running the launch optimization by BKR.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00