**X-ray delivery**
- 6 keV, 3.2 mJ/pulse, stable delivery
**Optical laser delivery**
- 800nm PP laser for jet illumination, stable delivery
- NKB focus checked and IUT_Slits optimized
- AGIPD quadrants position finalized
- Measured a lot of water BG runs and few runs with Au nanoparticles (sphere with ~50 nm in diameter)
- SideMic data not saved properly (empty array).
- Found relatively high BG when nozzle is IN since the distance in between nozzle tip & the interaction region is ~100um (even 80 um in some cases).
- DA issue (DAQ was stuck in changing) although all the DA looked healthy. DOC fixed the issue (temporarly) together with Egor, Florian, and Steffen.
- Runs callibration were not working |